"Sister use your dagger and take out that dragons heart". He said and I had a shocked look. I did what he said and went close to the dragon. I saw the dragons beautiful green eyes. I saw my reflection in the dragons eyes. I knew that this wasn't me. My brother seemed to stop and look into the dragon eyes too. "I'm gonna kill you dragon, I'm gonna take your heart and take it to my father because I'm a Viking....IM A VIKING". He raised his dagger. I looked at the dragon and raised my dagger. I looked at the dragon. I saw it's beautiful eyes. I saw my reflection again. I looked at my brother who looked at me. I couldn't do this anymore. I untied the ropes from the white night fury and he flew away with the other night fury. I looked at my brother who was unconscious on the ground.
(Time skip)
Me and my big brother walked towards our house. When I went inside the house, I saw our father. I was surprised because he was here early. Me and my brother looked at each other. My brother gestured me to the stairs. I nodded and followed him up until he stumbled. "Hiccup, Elizabeth". My dad said and I looked at Hiccup. We stepped down stairs as our father turned around. "We need to talk". My father said and I sighed. "We want to talk to you to dad". My brother said and him and my father took a deep breath. "I decided that I don't want to fight dragons/I've decided to let you guys train to fight dragons". They said as we looked at each other. "What?". "You go first". Dad said but Hiccup insisted he go first. "Ok you get you wish Hiccup. Dragon training. You and your sister start in the morning". He said and I had a shocked look. "Oh man I should of gone first because I was thinking. You know we have a sir plus of dragon fighting Viking but do we have enough bread making Viking or small home repair Vikings". He said and dad gave him a axe. "You guys are going to need this". My dad said and gave me a bow an arrow. "We don't want to fight dragons". My brother said and my dad laughed. "Haha come on if course you guys do". He said and I clenched my jaw. "Rephrase, dad we can't kill a dragons". My brother said. "But you guys will kill dragons". Dad said. "No I'm really very extra shir that we won't". My brother said and I   Looked outside. "It's time Hiccup and Elizabeth". He said and I grew angry. "Can you not listen to what we're saying". I said coming in front of him. "This is serious daughter. When you carry this arrow, you carry all of us. That means you walk like us, talk like us and think like us. No more all of this". He said pointing to my brother. "You just gestured to all of me". My brother said and I giggled. "Deal". My dad said starting Hiccup first. "This conversation is feeling very one sided-". "Deal". My dad cut off my brother and he sighed. "Deal". My brother said and my father looked at me waiting for my answer and I rolled my eyes. "Fine but so were clear". I said standing up and walking next to him. "I will not kill a dragon ever". I said walking next to my brother and my father sighed and picked up something. "Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably". He said walking out the door. "And we will be here. Maybe".
(Next day)
"Welcome to dragon training". Gobbler said. "No turning back". I heard Astrid say. I looked around and had a disgusted look. This place looked abandoned. "I hope I get some serious burns". Tuffnut said and I had a what look. "I'm hoping for smelling or like on the shoulder or lower back". "Ya it's only fun if you get a scar out of it". Astrid said and I scowled. "Ya no kidding right. Pain, love it". My brother said and I had a confused look. "Ah great. Who let them in". Tuffnut said and I rolled my eyes. "Let's get started. The recruit who does best will win the honor o killing his first dragon infront of the in tire village". Gobbler said and I had a annoyed look. "Hiccup and Elizabeth already killed two night fury so does that disqualify them or". Snotlout said and they all laughed. I gave them a death glare and they flinch. "Don't worry. Your small. Your weak. That will make you a less of a target. They'll see you as secure San and go after the more Viking like teens instead". He said and I had a confused look. 'How is that supposed to help himself and I'. "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight the deadly matter ". He said and I heard something moving. I heard something moving. "Speed 8, armed 16". I heard fish legs whisper. "The hideous zipper backs". Gobbler said and I heard fish legs whisper something again. "The monstrous nightmare". Gobbler said and I heard fish legs whisper something again. "The terrible terroir". Gobbler said and I heard fish leg whisper something again. "CAN YOU STOP THAT". Gobbler shouted at fishlegs. "And the gruncle". Gobbler finished and fish leg whispered something to my brother. "Whoa whoa wait aren't you going to teach us first". Snoutlout said and I looked at Gobbler. "I believe on learning on the job". He said and a dragon came out. I was so excited i nearly squealed. "Today it's about survival. If you get blasted your dead". I heard gobbler say and I looked at my brother with a confused look. "Quick what's the first thing that your going to need". Gobbler said and i was thinking. "Uh doctor". My brother said. "Plus five speed". Fish leg said and I new the answer. "Uh shield". Me and Astrid said at once. "Shield go". He said and they all looked for a shield. I didn't because why would I, I'm a witch. "The most important equipment is your shield". Gobbler said and I saw my brother have a hard time putting his shield on. "You must make a choice between a sword and a shield. Take the shield". Gobbler said and he was trying to give me a shield and I dined. "Tuffnut,ruffnut your dead". Gobbler said. "Noise make lots of noise". Gobbler said and everyone was making noise. I saw the dragon having a hard time and I have a sad look. "Fishlegs out". Gobbler said and fish legs ran away. "Hiccup get in there". Gobbler said and I saw my brother almost got hit. I saw the dragon look at Astrid and snoutlout. I saw snoutlout trying to flirt with Astrid but he didn't have a good one. Snoutlout got hit. "Snoutlout your out". Gobbler said. I saw hiccup got hit as well. "Hiccup your out". He said and the dragon was going to Astrid. "HEY OVER HERE". I said and the dragon took my attention on me. It flew to me. The dragons eyes soften I put down my bow and arrow down and tried to touch him. his eyes sparkled when he saw me completely. "ELIZABETH". I heard Gobbler yell but I didn't care. The dragons eyes looked beautiful but the dragon from yesterday looked more beautiful. When the dragons head was about to touch my hand, Gobbler grabbed the dragon by his mouth and litteraly threw him around. Gobbler  locked the dragon up. "Remember a dragon always. Always. Go for the kill". Gobbler said and I looked at the my brother who had a questioning look.
(In the forest)
"So why didn't you". I heard my brother said and touch the boomer rang and put it down. He walked to the broken tree. He walked over it and found a cave. He went in it and so did I. Then I saw a whole lake. "Well this is stupid". My brother said and I saw white circles on the ground. My brother picked up the black ones and I picked up the white ones. I heard something and we saw a black dragon flew in front of us. I gasped I went back. The black dragon was trying to fly but fail and fall down. I saw the white one trying to fly to but failed as well and fall to the ground. My brother went closer and so did I and watch the two dragons. I looked at the beautiful white dragon who was still trying to fly away. I got out my drawing book and sketch out its features. "Amazing". I said drawing on the book. "Why don't you guys just fly away". My brother said and I looked at the white dragon and saw one of its fins not there. I erased one of the fins that I drew. My brother dropped his pencil and the black dragon looked at him. I saw the white one looking at me. I saw it's beautiful green eyes. I smiled at it and i could of Soren that I saw the dragon blush.
(Time skip)
Me and my brother went inside a food place. We heard the kids talking about stuff and me and my brother went towards them. "What did hiccup and Elizabeth go wrong". I heard gobbler say and I growled. "They showed up". "They didn't get eaten". "There never where there supposed to be". I heard Astrid say and I roll my eyes. "Thank you Astrid. You need to collect and breath these stuff. The dragon Manuel". I looked up and was paying attention. "Everything that we know about every dragon we know about". Then we heard a thunder storm. Gobbler looked up. "No tax tonight. Hurry up". Gobbler said and I sighed. "Wait we have to read". "While we're still alive". "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words that tells you about". Snoutlout said and I looked at my brother. "Oh I read it like 7 times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face a-and there's this other one-". "Ya that sounds great but

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