Episode 12- What just happened?

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Previously on Survivor

After the sad vote of Caleb was executed the hard vote was out of the way. The final eight battled it out in a challenge of the past when they had to name former castaways this season. It was down to Malcolm and Sierra. Sierra knew she had to win or she would be in trouble, and she was after Malcolm won his second individual immunity of the season. At tribal Sierra went for broke calling out half the tribe of what they have done, but it wasn't enough to save her as she bevame the fourth member of the jury. Tonight the final seven is here and the finale is near. One episode until finale, and that much closer until we crown the winner. First we have to see who will be in the final six so let's get this started. This is...Survivor Bahamas!

*plays intro*


Jeremiah: I guess I was out of the loop again

Morgan: Yep

Jeremiah: I have a question. How many of yall think I'm annoying?

Morgan: Me

Eddie: Sorry bud

Malcolm: *raises hand*

Kelley: Most of the time

Jefra: Kinda

Jon: Honestly no

Jeremiah: Thanks Jon

Jon: I don't see how yall hate him so much

Morgan: He was so annoying on Okana beach when we swapped. You where there

Jon: Oh yeah

Morgan: Ohhhhh now you remember

Jon: Yep, sorry bud

Jeremiah: Everyone thinks I'm annoying including Jefra. Which doesn't make since to me because last season me and her were perfectly fine until she voted me out. This time she all of a sudden thinks I'm annoying? Oh girl bring it on.

-Immunity Challenge-

Jeff Probst: Come on in guys!

*Everyone walks in*

Jeff Probst: Alright first things first Malcolm, I'll take back the necklace.

Malcolm: I'll get it a third time

Jeff Probst: Let's see. Immunity is back up for grabs. For todays immunity challenge you will stand on a narrow beam holding a wooden bow with a ball in the center. Your job is to keep the ball in the bow without falling of the beam. Last person standing wins immunity.

Jon: Simple enough

Jefra: Yeah

Jeff Probst: Alright everyone is in position, and this challenge is on.

Jon: When I said it's simple I take it back

Jeff Probst: Jon's ball is starting to move a little

Malcolm: *sneezes* *drops ball*

Jeff Probst: Malcolm is the first one out because of his sneeze. Malcolm, do you think that was a million dollar sneeze?

Malcolm: If it is I'm going to be mad

Jeff Probst: We are down to six

Eddie: Jeremiah just drop your going home anyways

Jeremiah: *sigh*

Jeff Probst: Eddie, is Jeremiah the next target

Eddie: He's been a target for a long time now

Jeremiah: I just want to say I'm done with this, so yeah *Jumps off beam*

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