" $100 for a wristband? They finessing more than the fair back home " Q said making us laugh

We went back inside to get ready to head to the Entertainment Center. Once everybody was ready we left the hotel .

The place was like an hour away from the hotel we were staying in

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The place was like an hour away from the hotel we were staying in. When we got there it was pack as fuck. It took us about 30 minutes to find a parking space. It was 2:30 when we actually made it to the stand to buy our wristbands. Couldn't lie though it was worth the $100. This bitch was big as fuck. The rides were big as fuck and had all kinds of loops and bends. We went to get a map that showed where everything was at . We decided to ride the rides first. We got in line for something called The Hurler. It was a roller coaster like ride. When we made it to the front the man checked our wrists and we went to go get strapped in. I looked over at Hennessy and she ain't look scared . The ride started and she was having the time of her life. She was screaming and holding her hands in the air. The ride went to the top of the loop and stopped letting us hang there upside down. She grabbed onto my arm shutting her eyes close as it rocked back and fourth slowly before starting to move again. It took us through a dark tunnel before a lady came on the intercom and said "make sure you smile for the picture when coming out of the tunnel". When we got off Hennessy went to go get our picture. When she brought it back it was clean as fuck. Hennessy and my head were together with her hands on my face. Her eyes were closed and her tongue was out while I was laughing. Q and Nadia had two fingers behind our heads while they were kissing and August and Kindell were in the back. He was acting like he was pointing a gun and she was sticking her tongue out holding up both of her middle fingers. She put the picture back in the envelope and stuck it in her purse as we went on to the next ride .

Hennessy POV
We rode every ride on the amusement park side. It was going on 5 and the sun was starting to set so we decided to gone get go-kart racing out the way. When we walked over the man explained the rules to us and gave us the suits and helmets we had to put on over our clothes. We decided to do one on one racing girls vs girls and boys vs boys and then the winner from the girls and the boys would race then we were going to do couple racing. We flipped a coin and Kindell and Nadia were racing first and the winner had to race me. The boys started to gamble as they put money on who they thought would win. The light hit green and they took off . Nadia was in the lead until she started to slow down coming around the curve and Kindell passed her getting in front of her and crossing the finish line. I got in my cart as Kindell made it back on the side of me .

" I got my money on Kindell " All the boys said

" Dang Roman that's foul as fuck bro " Aug said laughing

" Mane Kindell a beast why would I go against her I just won with her ." Roman said

" You can't doubt Hennessy though " Aug said         " Matter fact lets raise the bet . I got a $100 on Hennessy "

Her Guardian Thug Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora