Chapter 5 {Smut}

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You laid on the bed, the sheets now crumpled up as you push your knees together, silently crying as you start to hate yourself. After a few hours, a scream erupts from the room Armin had went in recently. Your body starts to shake as you absentmindedly start to get angry. You threw yourself forward, tearing the chains out of the walls. You ran, the chains still on your wrists, checking out what happened. As you step into the room, a slightly warm, thick liquid seeps into your toes. You look down to see a pool of a thick, crimson substance, spreading itself across the floor, rivlets of blood decorating the light blue tiled flooring. "(F/N)~" a voice sings your name as someone grabs you from behind. You recognised his heat and his touch. It was Levi. "Did he do anything to you?~" He asks, fake concern hiding the smirk in his tone.

"H-hai." You nod hesitantly, his warm hands trailing over your hips, his crotch pushed up against your bare ass.

"What did he do?~" He questions, lust and anger present in his voice. You stay silent, not wanting to answer. He pinches your hips, making you blush and squeak a little in pleasure. Didn't I say you were a masochist? He grins behind you, nipping at your hips and waist with his long, slender fingers. You suppressed moans, flailing for a few, encouraging him to pinch you more. His hands travel to your clit, where he pinches you again, making you jerk back at the pleasure. Your body presses up against his more, him moaning a little as you unconsciously grind on him as he pinches your clit. His pulse is felt on your entrance, making a blush take control of your pale cheeks. You grit your teeth as his fingers graze your clit, teasing you. You try to pull away, his finger slipping into you, making you gasp in pleasure. He smirks as you land on the floor, on your hands and knees. He grabs your hips and pulls his pants down, leaving him in his boxers. He rolled his hips, pulling your backside into his crotch. He pulled his member up and down against your clit, from the back, getting a moan from both of you in reply. You can feel him hardening under you, making you blush as he lays down, pulling you on top of him. He rolls his hips underneath you, on your clit. You absentmindedly grip his legs, moving your hips back and forwards. He smirked but moaned loudly in sync with your moans. You moved your hips faster, the friction heating up your clit, making it more pleasurous. You suddenly realise what you are doing, stopping but being forced to move again by his hands, pulling your hips up and down. He stands up, bending you over and grinding his crotch on your from behind. After a small while, he pulls away, fully hardened. He leans over again, his hardened member in between your legs, teasing your entrance. He whispers seductivley in your ear "Lets continue this on the bed~"

Yandere! Attack On Titan Boys x Female! Reader x CreepypastaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu