Chapter 2

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(Ash's POV, earlier that evening)

We were sitting around the fire. The air felt warm and I would be just fine sitting there all evening. Gary tapped my arm. With a bit of effort a stopped staring at the flames, and turned around. "Task our kiss?"he asked, I rolled my eyes. This was Gary's own version of truth or dare, and I tried to avoid playing it as much as I could. So fair I had only played it twice, and never lost. But now that he had already asked me "task our kiss", I couldn't go back. Not unless I wanted him to call me torchic all summer.

"Bring it on." I said. He just gave me a wicked smile. 

"Here's you task." he said. "Break into the girls shack and bring me..." He tapped on the rock next to him and looked like he was trying to find the perfect way to torture me. "Leaf's lipstick. Or else you have to kiss, Misty." I turned green, and tried not to collapse. He knew I could never do that. Even though Misty seemed a great person, I couldn't just kiss her. I had never kissed anybody (aside from the kisses on you cheek from your relatives).

"I'll do it!"I said. Gary looked at me like he was just stung by a Beedrill.

"You are?" He asked and gave me a surprised smile. "Okay," he offered his hand. "Deal." 

I tried to walk away from the fire without anyone noticing. Which was hard enough because I had no experience sneaking around. When I was almost out of sight, Pickachu decided to annoy, and screamed as loud as it could, "PIKACHU!" I wanted to facepalm. Luckily nobody noticed, and I continued walking. When I finally arrived, I opened the door. No one had locked it. That made my job a lot easier. I entered the girls shack, and turned the light on. It looked the same on the inside as the boy shack. I walked carefully around the big mossy-green couch, and looked around the room. A few bags stood in the corner and some next to the door. But witch one was Leaf's? Then the door opened. I wanted to hide but froze as someone came in.

"Ash." A girls' voice said surprised. I turned around and looked right in the aquamarine eyes of Misty. I wanted to dig a hole and die. 

"Misty." I said, trying not to sound like I was just caught snooping around the girl shack.

"Wrong shack." she said a little angry. I slowly walked backwards, trying to think of something to tell her. Something else then the truth. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. "Get out." she said, and I didn't dare look her in the eyes. I walked past her, then I remembered that if I didn't get that lipstick I would have to kiss her. I didn't dare to imagine what she would think of me, so I turned around.

"Misty..." I started but stopped when I saw her face. If I would say something now she would make my life a living hell. Even pickachu hid under my cap. So I walked away, there was nothing Gary could do to me that was more terrifying then she was right now. I almost ran the intire way to the boy shack. Hid under my blanket and skipped dinner if I had to I would hide under the sheets forever. I couldn't face Misty, not now at least.

(Leaf's POV)

When Misty returned she didn't say a word she gave us the promised blankets and looked angry at the flames. I realy didn't want to know what happened but I had a pretty strong hunch who was behind it. So I asked the rest to excuse me and walked up to Gary. The boys sat down in a cirkel a few feet from the fire. They became silent as I walked up to them. Gary had his back toward me and didn't notice that I was standing behind him. The rest of the boys just tried not to make eye contact with me. I tapped Gary on the shoulder 

"A word now." Gary looked at me with an annoying look on his face. And stood up way to smooth to followed me in to the forest. When I stoped he almost bumped in to me.

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