"You have an hour to prepare yourself while I handle some business," Erza narrowed two yellow orbs at Natsu's crumbled body. "I'll eagerly give you the fight you look for."

Chane was slightly at unease with how easily Erza had taken down her 'comrade'. She felt her fear heighten as Erza glanced at her over her shoulder, before motioning for the girl to follow her with her hand. The girl was almost trembling in fear as she glanced down at Natsu's unconscious body, and then back to Erza's retreating form. Chane tried to catch Makarov's gaze as he took a sip of a fruity beverage, but he shifted his gaze in a such obvious manner, Chane was sure he was purposely avoiding her. The man was practically whistling innocently as he tried to ignore her telepathic pleas for help! Useless old man!

Still glued to her spot, Chane caught Gray's dark orbs, and he made a motion with his hand as if telling her to follow Erza. Chane gulped, he was just about as useless as the old man! Perhaps she was at fault for trying to rely on them in the first place. In defeat, the girl scowled as she followed Erza into the back room of the guild.

Expecting to see Erza with a kitchen knife threatening to skin her alive if she didn't stop disrespecting her, Chane was greeted with the much less scary scene of Mirajane and the mentioned red head girl in a simple discussion. The two gazed at her upon her arrival, their conversation coming to a halt.

This caused the girl to immediately feel out of place. Scowling at their silence, Chane asked roughly, "Well? What is it?" She wondered if Erza and Mirajane were both planning to attack her.

Mirajane smiled her usual innocent smile, and Chane began to relax once she realized Erza hadn't brought her to the back of the guild to skin her for constantly back sassing her. So Chane relaxed her stiff shoulders as she watched Erza hand Mirajane a piece of paper, and Mirajane exchanged a wad of jewels in return. Chane's green eyes brightened as she recognized what was happening- her reward!

Money signs replacing her pupils, Chane approached the two cheerfully. Erza giggled at the girls antics; it was plainly obvious that Chane was the type of girl who didn't need much persuading when it came to money. Chane took half of the jewels from Erza's extended hand, nearly drooling in delight.

This was way more then she had imagined! Chane couldn't believe she had just received such a large reward for subduing a simple monster.. and this was only half! 'With this, I can return to Siam!' She thought as a large wave of relief washed over her. A giant smile soon formed upon her lips.

Erza did not miss the huge curve of the girls mouth. Throughout their whole trip, Erza hadn't once seen the girl smile so happily! 'Hm.. this girl sure does get happy over money,' She pondered as she watched the shorter girl grab the money.

Chane clutched the wad of cash to her chest, almost smelling the hot sand of desert that surrounded Siam due to her relief. She suddenly felt so overwhelming homesick-; she could finally return to Aspen! And Esther, and Dr. Juiz! Her heart was beginning to swell with thoughts of the people she cared the earth and moon about. Chane opened her eyes as she met Erza's gaze, before gently thanking the girl.

"Thank you so much."

The red head seemed somewhat taken back by the girls sudden kind look. Erza had always imagined Chane as a small kitten who, in reaction to being approached, instinctively lashed out with bared claws at any fingers who tried to prod her. Erza couldn't help the soft smile that tugged on her lips, before whisking around as Mirajane broke their moment with some information regarding the Magic Council, and how she feared Fairy Tail may fall into debt due to all the damage they cause. Soon the red and white headed girls were drawn into another serious conversation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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