Criminal Minds: Alexis Blake's Junior Agents Adventure

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Just waking up to a typical warm sunny day in Quantico, Virginia. It was Monday and everyone was busy but me. I of corse was laying in bed staring at the ceiling pondering if I had to go into work early.

That's when my phone went off and I got ready for my day. Once I'm finally ready I grab my bag, keys, badge, and helmet as I walk out the door. It took about 10 mins for me to finally get to and into the building, take the elevator to whatever floor I needed to go to, and step out before I got ambushed by the paparazzi. I ignore them and try to push my way through but then got surrounded by them with flashing cameras and reporters asking me questions about being the first junior agent.

"Ok back off guys. She has to get to work. Don't you guys have any other celebs to follow around? Stop torchering the poor girl," Alex Blake explained. As she was talking they all fled the building.

"Thanks mom. I really apricieate the help," I told her. "I wish they would just stop following me. It now takes 10 mins to just get to this floor instead of 5 mins."

"You're welcome Alexa. I promise it will get better as time goes on. Just wish you would drive a normal car for once."

"Ugh!! Not again. I am trying to just get use to this mom. I finally got what I wanted and I would like to have some fun with it," I say as we walk into the conference room.

"Blake you really need to ease up on this whole situation. She's being a rebellious tomboy teen. Let it go and let her just be her. Remember what both of you went through not so long ago," Derek Morgan explains.

"Ok guys wheels up in 20. We will be debriefed on the plane," Hocth demands

20 minutes later we are on the plane looking at what we got talking about the case. As we are being debriefed I start zoning out to the memories of my horrible past.

Dim lighting in a damp cold cellar that smells like moldy manure. I could tell I was under a barn by the smell and the noises I kept hearing early in the morning. All of a sudden I hear 2 pairs of footsteps and screaming.

"Hey sweety. Are you ok?" My mom asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a flashback that's all," I reply

"You have been having those lately."

"Yeah well a year ago today was when we first met."

"Oh yeah. It's been a year already? Wow haha that is weird"

"Yeah. It's super weird. It went by so fast."

"Hey my furry friends the police found another girl," Garcia interrupts. "Same age, height, weight, everything. Her name was Elizabeth Heredia."

"Oh no!!!" I say. "Not her. She was so sweat and caring. She was in my algebra class a few years ago. That's weird he went for her though. She's rich and popular. All the others were poor but well known by their street names. She was well known by both Elizabeth and GG or goody goody."

We talk for awhile about the case for awhile. As it goes on I get up and go to the fridge to grab a water. I took a couple of pills with the water to help me with my headache. It's been killing me after I came to from the flashback. When I sat back down Hotch was giving us our assignments for when we land.

"Alex and Alexis, you two are going to the recent victims house. Alexis she may have had another life so I need you to check her room while your mom interviews her family," he tells me.

Half an hour later we are at the house and it looks like no one is home. I know they are though because of how the blinds are. I get out of the car and head over to the door. I hear my moms voice right behind me but I don't know what she is saying. Once I'm at the vines I climb up to Elizabeth's sisters window and climb in like the good old times.

"Hey girl. Missed me?"

"ALEXIS!!! OMG!!! You showed up like I thought you would. Haha and my parents didn't believe me. Come on let's to say hi," Andy says.

"Actually I need to see your sisters room. I'm on the case of her death actually."

She leads me to her sisters room and I look around searching for clues till I found a secret latch under her bed. Once I open it her dad walks in holding a gun to my head. I had a feeling it would be him. He killed before but it was a gang banger not his own daughter.

"You know what will happen when word gets out about you right? You will go to jail for years. Not only for killing these girls but killing your own child and holding FBI agents as hostages."

"Yea I know haha," he replies.

That's when I knock the gun out of his hands and make him fall onto the floor. As I pull out my gun he kicks mine out of my hands and tackles me. I punched his nose so hard I broke it and he smacked me hard enough to leave a bruise. As we fight his daughter grabbed my gun and when I got free she gave it to me. I shot his knees then arms. As he fell I dragged myself to the wall so I can use it to stand up.

"Keep this pointed at him ok? I'm going to check down stairs," I say giving her the other gun.

When I get down stairs my mom is on the floor bleeding and the mom has a gun pointing at my moms head. I throw the vase closest to me at her head to get her attention.

"Put the gun down now and you will get less time in jail. I know you had nothing to do with those girls. You were the one who left the anonymous tip about him yesterday and this morning because you wanted to save your other daughter but didn't want to get killed in the process."

She puts the gun down and I arrest her. The cops barge in and I told them about upstairs. One cop took the mother and I helped mine to the ambulance. It took a bit to get outside because of her leg but that was the worst injury.

In the cellar he comes over and rapes me. This time it was longer than usual and he also had Alex witness it as well. Once I was dressed I hear gun shots and a door brake down with a bunch of yells. That's when I knew we were saved. I felt myself feel relaxed and happiness fill me up.

"Hey sweat heart. How are you doing?"

"Better. Now that I know we can be safe from this for awhile. I had a feeling it would be the father you know. I didn't say anything at first just in case the mother really was the master mind behind it. That's how my case was and I'm glad I didn't say anything. She is now getting less punishment."

"Yeah well now we get to go home and relax until Monday"

On the plane I lay my head on my moms shoulder and fall asleep while we sit at the table. She holds me like she is protecting me from falling as I fall deeper and deeper into sleep.

Criminal Minds: Alexis Blake's Junior Agents AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now