Chapter One

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The sickly scent of blood was carried through the remains of a town. But the town was no ordinary town, the houses were crumbled and broken. The sidewalks were deeply cracked and weeds were starting to show in the once well kept lawns of the people who lived here.

What could have done this, you ask? The shadow knew. At first glance the shadow was merely a shadow among shadows, something that was fabled to appear in only kids' dreams. But take a closer glance, it is only a skinny cat.

Her fur was matted with dry blood and a deep gash was imprinted on her side. Her ear was torn and the blood from the wound slowly trickled down to her forehead. However she kept walking, slowly but surely.

The cat was bound to collapse, she didn't even realise when it happened. She just stared into the miles of nothingness with those dull gray eyes of hers. Those eyes might as well be glazed and her tail not twitching ever so slightly, for she mentally cursed her self. She should've taken the long way back to camp, sure it would have been longer and more walking on her part, but she wouldn't of gotten into this mess.

She tried to move any part of her body, anything would be a start. She had to get home to Rose and the others, she promised them she would. She let out another cough as she found herself on the same place she was before. She wasn't done trying but her body was. Her eyes slowly closed and as her life flashed before her eyes she said her last words.

"I am sorry father...I-I have failed you..."


The cats of Starclan silently watched on from above as they knew another cat was about to join their ranks. One red tabby in particular however, watched on with a pained face. His features darkening as he watched the cat slowly fade away.

"What should we do, Palefeather? We can't just let the profecy cat die!" His voice was hushed but there was obvious worry in his eyes and tone as he turned to his white furred friend.

Palefeather-the white tabby- said nothing but his gaze was thoughtful. And when he finally answered his voice was wise,"Redtuft, calm down. Do not fret just because your kin is dying, many have met the same fate, but have you even shown the same worry you are now?"

Redtuft was surprised by his friend's words but said nothing. After a pause he continued," But you are right and we can't afford for this to happen." He beckoned with a swish of his tail" Come, we must prepare."

As Palefeather disappeared into the star dappled bracken, Redtuft couldn't help but hear his kin's final words.

"You haven't failed me yet Spectra, not yet."


I finally got chapter one up! you guys like it?

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