A date?

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Millie's POV:

I woke up with my alarm. It was 6 am, I woke up earlier, my alarm rang earlier. So, I took a shower and went to eat something in the kitchen. My mom was awake, that's mean that she made breakfast. Thank god, I was starving. She made waffles and orange juice. "Good morning, darling" she said looking at me "Morning, mama" I said, sitting ont he chair to eat my breakfast. "Why you woke up so early?" She asked. "My alarm rang early, so I guess I can come to school walking?" I asked not knowing if I could "Yes, you can" she said with a little smile. "Thanks, thanks, thanks, omg" I said smiling and jumping. I finished my breakfast and picked up my bag to go to school. "Bye mama" I said leaving the house.

The I remembered that Finn wanted to tell me something, so a sent a message to him.

Mills😂❤️: Finnie, I'm going to your house. I'm  finally going to school by foot and I'm close to your house and you wanted to talk with me yesterday, so...
Finnie: Okay, I will be waiting for you
Mills😂❤️: Okay, bye, see you soon
Finnie: Bye

When I arrived there, he was sitting in the stairs, looking at his phone. "Hey, Finn" I said "Hi Mills, how are you?" He said, getting up from the stairs and meeting me "I'm fine, and you?" I said "I'm fine too" he said, then an awkward silence appeared, but I needed to ask something first "So, what you wanted to tell me?" I asked, he put his hand on the back of his neck "Ooh, do you ... do you want to go out with me? Like, like a date?" He asked. Omg, I don't believe, Finn Wolfhard is asking me out. First I just nod, then I jumped and hugged him "Yes, yes, yes" I said, then I stopped hugging him and say "Why not?" I said smiling. "Good, I thought you would say no" he said, starting to breath again.

We arrived school and saw our group of friends waiting for us in the school door. "Hey guys" Finn and I said at the same time, we looked at each other and laugh "Hi" they said looking at us strangely "Okay, what is happening here?" Noah asked looking at me and Finn "We... I, I asked Millie to go out with me and ..." I cut him off "And I say yes" I said, Sabrina and Sadie came and hugged me, before they pulled me to talk to me, I could see the boys going to talk to Finn "Finally" I heard Sadie saying "Yeah, he really likes you" Sabrina said, we started to laugh.before they pulled me to talk to me, I could see the boys going to talk to Finn.

Finn's POV:

After Millie and I said that we are going out, the girls went running to hug Millie and the guys came to me "When did this happen?" Wyatt said "Like five minutes ago, or something like that" I said "I'm really happy for you guys, really" Jaeden said "Yeah, my mama and papa are reunited" Noah yelled, jumping a little bit. We laughed at what Noah said and we entered the school.

Soulmates [on hold] - Jaeden LieberherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ