The Poor man and The Rich man

Start from the beginning

Few hours later, The servants is planning to Killing King Yang and then they gonna have his crown to make one of them to be new King.

Servant 1: "You think that gonna work? how if we be captured because of killing a King?"
Servant 2: "Do not worry, we gonna give him a poison and after he is died, we just pretend that the King is Died because he is sick too much the wine and we gonna make a plan to choose who gonna be a New King!"
Servants: "YEAAHHH!"

But one of the servant is not agree of that, and He is the Right hand of King Yang that so royal to him whatever King do, He must doing something fast before they killl him.

In the night time.

The Servants is put the poison on King drink

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The Servants is put the poison on King drink. But one of them is afraid to do it.
Servant 1: "So, You do it"
Servant 2: "What?! No! You do it! you plan this!"
Servant 1: "This is not easy! we can't do this this way!"

But they see Tune, and they have the idea, and they thought Tune isn't know yet what they are planning.
Servant 1: "Wait! Sir! Can you give this drink to King Yang?"
Tune: "Me? Why?"
Servant 2: "we are busy... uh... working some King stuff! so can you give this to him?"
Tune: "But... what is with that thing?" (see the poison)
Servant 2: "Oh! this is nothing! Here, just save this inside your pocket, this is just a madicine and not to worried."
Tune is go to see King Yang, and this is perfect time for him to talk to King Yang About them.
Servant 1: "If King Yang Died after drink the poison, they gonna thinking that actually His Right hand/Royal servant is killing a king." >: )
Servant 2: "and they not gonna blame us what happened."
Servant 1: "Hehehe,true. He Don't know Nothing"

Tune is in King Yang's Room, King Yang is Waiting for his drink before go to sleep

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Tune is in King Yang's Room, King Yang is Waiting for his drink before go to sleep.
K.Yang: "Finally! I thought is gonna wait until in the morning!"
Tune: "Wait Your majesty! This is not your drink! It's in poisoning"
K.Yang: "What?! Why did you giving me a poison?!"
Tune: "Your Majesty~! I swear I'm not do this! There is one of us tried to killed you!"

K.Yang: "KILLING ME?!"
Tune: "They are tired working with you and they wanted a new King!"
K.Yang: "Grr! I gonna give them a lesson!"
Tune: "No your Majesty! It's too dangerous! Even you tried to stop them, they still gonna tried to kill you in different way!"
K.Yang: "So... What? .... What do I must do?!"
Tune: "That's why I'm here to talk with you~"

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