Chapter 2: The Bonfire

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I'm currently in my room trying to pick out an outfit to wear for my possibly last night of freedom. Meghan and I have treated the night before the trials like our last "Hoorah!" Since we are She-Wolves who will challenge no matter who stakes the claim, it's a risk-reward situation..

If we win, we don't have to be claimed that year. But if we lose, we are marked right then and there by the male. So now you might understand, this is the last night of maybe being by ourselves. Once the male wolf marks you, your wolf won't let you do anything to hurt the male that is supposed to care and defend us.

Also you will have an over protective male over your shoulder. Rolling my eyes at the thought of someone telling me to not drink a whole bottle of wine.

Whats it to you buddy? If I want to drink that bottle, I damn well will drink that fucking bottle. 

Once I pick out a maroon crop top, I put on my favorite army green jacket and plaid black and white blanket scarf, I match it with dark washed jeans and brown knee-high boots. I  look in the mirror and the mop of blonde hair I have on my head. 

What the hell am I suppose to do with you? You never listen to a straightener or hair spray. 

Instead of crying over the rebellious curls, I gather it all in and put it into a relaxes bun and add a little bit of makeup. I don't try that hard because the only light source will be the fire, so I think I'm good to go.

I walk over to get my phone off of my nightstand and see that I just received a text from Meghan that she was outside. I run down the stairs to find my mom and dad sitting in the living room watching their TV shows.

"It's the bonfire tonight before the ceremony, I may or may not see you guys tonight." I say, pretty much saying I will be too drunk to make it home and will stay with Meghan.

"You make us proud 364 days of the year, this is the one night we contemplate what we did wrong with you, sweetie pie." My mom laughs, "But since you're more like your father, you have that party animal side in you."

My dad laughs, "She is right, but I will warn you.. One day you will find someone who is going to tame that side, so enjoy it while you can." Before my dad could finish that sentence, my mom backhands his chest, "Don't act like you miss that side."

My dad looks over at me, "No of course not sweetie!" Looking at me, nodding his head.

I hear my mom add, "Is your brother going to the bonfire?"

Picking up my keys from the entryway table, "I'm not sure, if he is I will keep an eye on him. See you guys tomorrow before the trials! Love you!" I yell while running out the door, letting it slam behind me.

Racing out to Meghan's baby, aka her white jeep, I open the door and jump in.

Before I could buckle me seat belt Meghan asks, "Hey could you get my phone charger out of the glove box?"

Before I could even question why it would be in the glove box, I open it to find a Smirnoff Ice in the glove box, "Damn IT! You would!!" Banging both my fists on the dashboard.

She laughs so hard to herself, finally being able to talk, "Don't miss me too much when you get claimed by a warrior of a shitty pack in Texas! No get outside the car and take a knee!"

I roll my eyes and grunt in frustration, stepping outside of the Jeep. I get on one knee, twist of the cap making sure to throw it at her and begin the humiliation of being iced.

Meghan starts blaring music to pump me up as I finish the ice in one try. Since we do this to each other often, we have gotten really good at chugging that vile liquid.

Forever ClaimedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora