Part one

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My panda watch was telling me school started in about eight minutes. The walk was going to take at best, five minutes if I ran from here. I would probably make it. Hopefully. I moved the ponytail holder from my wrist to around my hand, holding it taut with my fingers. I put my bagel slice in my mouth and used my now free hands to reach back and twist my fucking stupid thick hair into a quick bun. I probably look gross... I thought to myself, stepping onto the crosswalk, head down as I secured my hair with the band. But then again, who's going to be looking at you?

I stiffened. In the corner of my eye something coming, fast. I looked to my right and

tires squealed.

Bones cracked.

I heard my own detached voice cry out.

Vaguely, I remember my hand was wet; the world went dark.


The smell is what hit me first. It was so clean it smelled like nothing. With a faint hint of citrus. Then, my mom's voice. What is she doing here? My mother is a very important state senator, is halfway across town by the time I wake up because she wanted me in a good school district.

When I opened my eyes I was assaulted by light, and I quickly shut them again.

"Jenny? Jenny are you alright?" my mother repeated. I debated answering her because my mouth was so unbelievably dry. then I decided that this sarcasm is too much to let slip by.

"Oh I'm dandy, mom. Never been better. Hospitals are so nice, and I don't have any broken bones at all. I wish I was hit by a car EVERY DAY!" I croaked, although it probably came out sounding more like a rendition of "Old Man River."

When the expected condescending comeback didn't occur, I opened my eyes. She had tears in hers. Then, she jumped on me and tried to give me a hug even though I was in a bed, making for an awkward-at-best hug.

"Mom, I'm fine," I said through a laugh.

Hell yeah. I thought. I'm getting off school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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