Little Blue Police Box

Start from the beginning

"Okay... what the hell is going on here?" I stammer, ripping the ear buds out of my ears.

"Somethings not right here, this is just creepy now, well, not like it wasn't before but... yeah..." My bro trails off lamely. "So? Can we turn the lights back on now?" He asks, moving his chair back as if to get up from the desk.

"Wait, stay here. Don't. Move." I say, setting my hand on his shoulder and keeping him in his chair.

By now he looks like he really does not want to be here but he stays, taking off his headphones and leaning just a bit more away from the screen.

After a moment of watching the camera pan slowly over the main stage I lower the monitors to find Foxy now inside the room, standing in front of us.

But... as far as I know Foxy has never fully entered into the security room in the game...

He is standing a bit hunched over, seeming to peer down to look at us through the screen. Definitely not a stance that's ever appeared in the game before, for any of the players, I'd played this game so many times and seen enough playthroughs of it that I should know, besides all that I'd never found such an image anywhere in the game files...

And then he blinks at us. Fucking blinks! His jaw seems to flop open a bit more and a painful screeching scream blares through out headphones. Thank god we'd already taken them off or our ears might've been bleeding by now. Okay, maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration, but still...

Following the screech there is a loud static noise before a startling mechanical explosion like sound and then darkness.

I find myself unable to move, to react, to look away from the spot in the darkness where I know my laptop still sits open. For the first time in a long time I am utterly terrified.

Game mechanic or not, something about what just occurred did not sit well with me.


I barely register my brother calling me as I just keep staring blankly ahead.

"Brielle?" He asks again, a bit louder this time.

"Brandon..." I start, my voice wavering, sounding raspy and hoarse. "What the fuck was that?"

He doesn't give me an answer. I hear some rustling beside me before all sound retreats away into the blackness.

More rustling before he addresses me again. "It looks like the whole neighborhood is out,"

"What?" I move to join him at the window, careful not to trip over my own two feet as I'm likely to do in even brightly lit areas. He's right though, I see not a speak of light outside apart from the dissipating stars in the sky and the thin sliver of fading moon joining them.

"Do you have your phone?" I ask, at the same time I reach over to the desk to feel around for mine.

"Yup," He says, before a soft white light envelops the room as he pulls up the flashlight. He shines it over to the desk and after a moment I spot my phone laying beside the laptop.

"Thanks," I say, pocketing the phone since Brandon already had his light on.

"No problem,"

A sudden metallic clanking noise draws our attention and we both look across the room toward my now closed door.

"You... you heard that too right?"

"Unfortunately," I reply.

The dull thumps continue below us, sounding more and more like footsteps to my ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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