And if push came to shove, he could risk ten. It's about time for him to start working on his quirk usage, anyway. Maybe he could do that while he was on the camp?

Something caught his attention. "Huh?" There, just turning around the corner and heading towards the same direction he was going, was Itsuka Kendo. After mulling a little, he decided to catch up to her. "Kendo-san!" He shouted, making her turn around. Her face immediately broke into a smile as she saw him.

"Hey Izuku!" He blushed a little at the first name usage but ignored it, remembering just now the she did the same yesterday. Luckily, she thought his blush was because he was running.

"H-how are you today?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Pretty well actually." The girl replied, stretching her arms. "You?"

"I'm fine as well." He smiled. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here of all places?"

She snorted, laughing a little. "Dude, what're you talking about? I live here!" She said, pointing backwards with her thumb. He followed and the house he took her to the day before came unto his vision.

"Oh." Oh is right, how the hell did he not notice this? They have barely a block in distance from each other! "I-I didn't realize!"

She laughed again. "Geez, man! Talk about autopilot! You sure you're alright?" Itsuka asked once again. Izuku blushed even more and shook his head.

"I-I'm fine, r-really!" He sighed. "Let's just go to the train, please..." The orange haired girl grinned and complied. Soon enough they were on the station, boarding a train and taking a seat right after.

An awkward silence - at least for Izuku- settle in, and the ninth user of One for All felt a desperate need to say something. When he was about to say something Itsuka opened her mouth.

"Did you see JMN's interview on Mount Lady?" She asked.

"Huh? Wait! I mean, yeah!" He stumbled in his own words. He blushed as the girl gave him an amused look. "I-I would've never imagined things like that from her... Especially considering her debut." He commented. Kendo's eyes widened.

"You saw her debut?!" She asked excitedly. "How was it? How was it?!"

He then started retelling her what happened on Tatooin station that day. How Kamui Woods was about to finish the villain off when the new blonde hero came literally out of nowhere to flying kick the villain away, giving the audience an ass show right after. Itsuka grinned when he told her this part, remembering that he wrote 'cute' on his analysis book entry for her. She certainly had no qualms with teasing him for it.

"Look, all I'm saying is that it's completely normal, man. Everyone has crushes, amirite?!" She laughed, making the boy blush. They both walked out of the train, getting ready to leave the station and head for UA.

"I-I don't have a crush..." He denied. Why did he write that in his book in the first place? Like seriously! His friend gave him a dry look. "I swear!"

"Uhuh, yeah. You keep telling me this lie, maybe by the tenth time I'll believe you." She remarked as they got out of the station.

"I-I'm not lying!"

"You're stuttering, tho."

"I always s-stutter!"


As Izuku recovered from her teasing a bit, they kept themselves silent after their conversation. For some minutes they just walked in silence, though Midoriya was more comfortable now. This time, it was Itsuka who felt the need to ask something.

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