Chapter 10: "Dinner From Hell."

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Unlike my mother, my sister really, really, likes Seth.

"I missed you little munchkin." Seth teases her and messes up her hair.

"You're still calling me that? I am eighteen." She pouts, but secretly we know that she likes the nickname.

"You came." My mother says with a fake smile.

"You kind of forced us..." I mumble when Seth pinches my arm.

"Of course." He says politely and hands her a daisy bouquet.

"Oh, thank you." She says and ushers us in.

Time for the dinner from hell...


We are all sitting around the table and I am trying not to suffocate due to the stressed vibe.

My mom keeps sending me subtle glares while Seth is keeping polite conversation going.

I stab my steak with a fork earning another glare from my mother.

Gosh, this is unbearable.

"Are you not enjoying the food?" Mother asks with distaste.

"More like the atmosphere surrounding it..." I mumble, but then straighten up. "No, it's wonderful."

"Good, because I spent all afternoon slaving away." She says and the silence continues.

My mom keeps glaring at me and I return the favor. Sienna shoots me a disapproving glance.

"So, where's Dad?" I ask successfully thickening the already stressful atmosphere.

Mother inhales a sharp breath and Sienna gives me a 'really' look while Seth sighs knowing that it is going to be a full blown war.

"You're really going there now?" She asks hatefully.

"I'm just curious." I state and drink my water.

"I don't know where your father is. We lost all contact after the divorce and that incident." She says in a accusing tone.

"You still blame me for what happened?" I ask disbelievingly.

"Of course not, even though you could've prevented it." Mother says and glares at me.

"Was I suppose to prevent the truck driver crashing into us in the middle of the night? Was I supposed to prevent the fact that my brother landed in a coma and still hasn't woken? Was I supposed to prevent Dad leaving you,, because you were constantly living in the past and blaming me?" I shout and stand up.

"If you and your brother haven't gone to that stupid party, none of this would've happened!" She yells back.

"Mom..." Sienna says and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Sasha, let's go." Seth says and takes my hand. I shrug him off and look her right in the eye.

"I am sick and tired of you blaming me for what happened. I already blame myself. I don't need you constantly reminding me of my biggest mistake of my life." I say and walk out.

Seth's POV (sorry for the middle of a scene POV switch, but I think that this should be seen in Seth's POV❤)

"Sasha!" Sienna yells after her, but she keeps going.

"Sorry about that Sienna. We will meet up with you tomorrow, okay?" I say and hug her.

"Sure, and I know that you guys are not together, but she needs you right now, so please look after my sister." She says and gives me a sad smile.

I nod and walk to the car and the sight I'm met with literally breaks me.

Sasha is sitting in the passenger seat, bawling her eyes out.

I get in and instantly wrap her in a hug after placing her on my lap.

"Hey, Sasha, it is going to be okay." I whisper and pull her closer to me.

"No it is not. She still blames me! After all these years. Colton is still in a coma and he's probably never going to wake up and it is all my fault." Sasha cries.

My heart is hanging in a thread here. It kills me to see her like this.

A few years ago before we got engaged, Sasha and her brother who was 20 years old at that time, went to a party.

Sasha didn't drink at all, so she drove the car. It was dark and rainy that night, so there was a drunk truck driver who crashed into them.

Their car rolled, but Colton, Sasha's brother, fell out and hit his head. That bump alone sent him into a coma.

Sasha, however, has severe injuries and a broken arm, but compared to her brother, she survived.

"Sasha, it is not your fault. You are one of the strongest people I know. You didn't cause that accident, the truck driver did." I say and rub her back in soothing circles.

She keeps crying and clutch my shirt. I kiss her head and let her cry her heart out.

"I am so sorry, Seth." She whispers after a few moments.

"Don't be sorry, like I said it is not your fault." I say and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She sits back on the passenger seat and I start driving.

The ride is filled with an indescribable silence. It is not comforting, strained or awkward.

It is just silent.

I stop at Sasha's house and we walk in the house. When we get inside, she immediately runs to her room and lock the door.

I run after her and stand in front of the door. Normally, I would've left her, but I can't. Not in this state.

"Sasha, open the door." I plead and lean against it.

"No." She curtly replies and I hear her crying.

I exhale a breath and try the door handle again.

"Sasha, please. Open up." I say trying to get through to her.

She ignores me and continue crying.

"I want to help you, please let me in."

"If you don't open the door now, I will break it." I say softly but seriously.

There is a few moments of silence and after a minute when I was just about to break the door down, she opens it.

Her hair is tied in a ponytail and her makeup is smeared and she is still in her evening dress.

"I can't do this, Seth. It is too hard." Sasha cries out and I engulf her in a hug.

I pick her up and walk to her bed still holding her.

"You can do this. I am here for you, always. Colton won't blame you for what happened. No one does. Your mom just want someone to blame for her mistake." I say while lightly squeezing her.

"I will never ever leave you." I whisper and take her head in my hands.

"Promise?" She asks in a small, fragile voice.

"I promise." I say and then lightly kiss her.

It isn't like any other kiss we had before. It is filled with so much emotion and love, I feel like bursting.

"Thanks, Seth. I don't know what I'll do without you." Sasha mutters and places her head on my chest.

"Me neither." I mumble abd then both of us fall in a deep sleep.


The Architect's Girl |✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon