Glitchy Red x Neko Reader Pt 1

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"I didn't leave my family, because I never had one. I was kidnapped and genetically morphed, forced to do tests and kill things kill people. And if I failed......." Y/N's eyes turned back to normal.

".......Name's Red, Glitchy Red." Red sat up and extended his hand. Way to go Red, First you make fun of her for having an animal brother then laughed about her old and non existent family! "Sorry about your past and stealing your bro's home, but there is something we need there. And that meant me getting rid of any inhabitants."

"What is it you need that is directly at our old home? The only reason Benson lives there is because of the complete solitude."

"I dropped my badge that was attached to my hat a while ago, and one of the assholes that found it threw it into this part of the world into this sanctuary. I know who it was because grin cat here saw the idiot do it." Red sighed and took off his hat, rubbing the place where the green accented badge would be in sadness. Grin just walked over to Benson and put his paw out.

"Greetings big fella! Sorry about throwing you out, literally and figuratively haha!" Benson flinched hearing the felines voice, he was zoned onto the conversation between his sister and the boy.

"Well can you show me what it looks like? I may not have been at home for a while but I can navigate quickly throughout the land." Y/N's h/c ears perked up as Red began to scribble something green on a piece of paper he summoned.

"It looks like this." He held up the paper towards her as Y/N's eyes took in the illustration.

"..." With a sudden twitch of the girl's ear she snatched the paper and walked through the portal.

"Y/N! WAIT UP!" Benson rushed to catch up to the unreadible figure slowing down next to her so she could climb on.

Through the portal

"Do you know the person who threw your badge?" Grin cat giggled wildly as Red huffed.

"Yeah, You wanna meet him?"

"It would help with the search so it would be kind if you could show me the way."

"No need, here he comes now." The four looked on to a blue anthropomorphic hedgheg with a picnic basket walking causually towards Red and Grin.

"Hey! Did Ash finally capture a pokémon!" The hedghog chipped as he harshly bit into a chili dog.

"UGH FUCKING STOP CALLING ME THAT SONIC! GO HARASS NINTENDO, I BET YOU CAN'T WIN AGAINST THOSE PLUMBERS!" Y/N ignored the on going arguement and turned to Grin, who was staring at the blue male a little to intensly, smiling twice as wide as he usually had.

"Hey grin?"


"Do you know which hand Sonic threw the badge with?"

"The right hand." The cat's tail started to stick out in happiness as the hedgehog started to literally growl in anger at Red's onslaught, his fur looking frizzed and wild. Benson just layed flat on his stomach as he padded his paws in the river bank. Y/N scoffed and gave Grin a nudge.

"Yes Y/N?"

"Can you steal that glove for me?" He nearly had a panic attack at the thought.

"Do you even know what he'd do to me if he saw me stealing the only thing important to him besides his shoes and world domination right in front of him?! He'd never let me watch him train again!"

"Fine I'll do it then." After watching the arguement bubble up for a couple seconds Y/N decided to walk up to Sonic and do the first of two plans.

"Hey, um sonic was it?"

Creepypasta X Reader LemonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin