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"Aw man! I thought I got higher grade than this on the placement test!" I said looking down at the slip of paper saying where I had to go.

I wasn't sure on where to go, so I had to ask many people for directions. Instead of telling me, they kind of just laughed at me. I even heard someone from Class B say "It's a shame she didn't get into Class A. She's very pretty and smart, but I guess stupidity got the best of her. Oh well. Now she can be were all the stupid people are and where she really belongs!" I was so done with people right now. I ended up finding the class by myself. It was disgusting. The sign was made out of dirty, old wood and was already falling off. The inside was even worse. There were boxes as tables. Boxes. Not tables! Boxes. And cushions that don't even have any cushion in them.

"Let's just get this over with." I sighed.

I didn't know anyone there. Not to mention there were only guys in the class. I took my seat by the window, so I could practice taking more photos. I stood up to the window and started taking pictures.

"Hi! You must be new here." Someone said over my shoulder.

I turn around with my camera still in my hands and the strap around my neck.

"Hi! I'm Akihisa Yoshii." Said the light brown haired boy.

"I'm Hideyoshi Kinoshita. People think I'm a girl, but.." Said the girl looking boy, but was interrupted by me.

"You're really a boy!" I said.

"Yes! How'd you know?" He said in complete delight.

"At my old school, we had a lot of boys who looked like you!" I said smiling happily.

"Okay, it's my turn! I'm Minami Shimada!" Said the maroon haired girl.

"Hi! I'm really glad to have another girl here! I thought I was the only one! And by the way, I love the color of your hair!" I said trying to give everyone compliments.

"Oh thanks!" She replied.

"I'm Mizuki Himeji! Nice to meet ya!" Said the girl with long pink hair.

"I'm Yuuji Sakamoto. And also the class rep." Said the tall boy with kind of reddish hair.

"Well, it's nice to meet all of you! I'm.." I started to say, but was soon interrupted by Akihisa.

"Wait, we're missing one more person." He said.

"What do you mean? I thought this was all of you." I said in confusion.

"I'm Kouta Tsuchiya." Said someone behind me.

I turned around to see a blue haired boy standing behind me the whole time.

"I was looking through your photos. And I think that there not all that great." He said holding my camera.

"How? How'd you get my camera?" I asked feeling around my neck for the strap.

"I have my ways." He said still going through my pictures.

"Oh yeah? What do you know about photography?" I asked.

"I'm a photographer too. I like your perspective, but it's of the wrong things." He said giving back my camera. His hands accidentally touching mine.

"Well, what else am I supposed to photograph?" I asked. It was drafty in the room and hard winds started to blow. Before we knew it, Minami's, Himeji's, and even my skirt flew up. Kouta took pictures.. from underneath.

"What the heck Kouta!" I said as held my skirt down and started blushing.

"What? You think I would miss a 3 in one shot?" He said smirking. He soon fell on the floor with blood falling from his nose.

OH MY GOSH! AM I IN LOVE WITH A PERVERT?!Where stories live. Discover now