Bro Q 💰💪🏾 Yo , I gotta tell you some shit when you get to the warehouse. Sent at 8:30 am

Li Sis 🌎💜 You know I put Bee ass out right ? The bitch had the nerve to say I was on some fake shit 🙄 sent at 8:53 am

My Future 🙈😏❤️ Morning 😊😘. Girls day out with Kindell maybe we can meet when I'm done ??? sent at 9:15 am

I didn't even reply to Genesis and Bee at this point it was fuck the both of them. It's been fuck Genesis when she pulled that snap shit but Bee was foul as fuck for sitting there drinking knowing she could be carrying my child. I texted the others back .

Me to Bro Q - I'm omw now . sent at 11:02 am
Me to Li Sis - Fuck her she dead to me now 💯 . You good ?  sent at 11:02 am
Me to My Future - Morning 😘 and I'm down just let me know sent at 11:02 am

I pulled off in my truck and headed towards the warehouse. I just hope whatever the fuck it was Q had to tell me wouldn't piss me off more than I was. When I walked in the bar everything looked good. I got on the elevator inserting my key to go to floor two. I stepped off and everything seem to be cool. I walked to where I saw Q and Aug standing.

" Wassup " I dapped them both up

" Wassup" they said

" So what's going on ?" I got to the point

" Our connect called . He said his men couldn't bring the package here and that we would have to come get it ."  Q said

" The fuck ? He said if we go get it last time they would bring it this time that's why yall was late to the funeral." I said

" That's what I told him and his fat ass got smart and said we either come get it or get a new connect then hung up." Aug said

" So what you want to do bossman ?" Q asked me

Shit sounded like some fuck shit so I really didn't want to make the move but we were almost down to our last product and we needed that package here by Wednesday. We could go or we could wait and find a new connect meet and wait for them to have the product ready and that could take a whole week to get done. I stood there pulling on my beard . What the fuck was I gone do ?

Hennessy POV

We were walking out of the hair salon and I was feeling my new look.

I decided to go red just to try some different

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I decided to go red just to try some different. Kindell didn't like color she said she thought nothing was sexier then some bone straight black hair. I posted a few snaps as we headed back to the house. Kindell was driving and on Snapchat at the same time . I looked at her and put my seatbelt on making us both laugh. We got out and took our bags in the house. It was now going on 4:00. Damn we was out since 10 and I was beyond tired. I wrapped my hair up and decided to take me a nap. I turnt off the tv and room light and sunk into my sheets. Shortly after I was sound a sleep.

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