A Tight-Knit Group Chat

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Whizzer has added Trina, Marvin, Charlotte, Cordelia, and Mendel to the conversation.

Whizzer: Why do they call it real estate? Is there such thing as fake estate?

Marvin: ...

Charlotte: If you count scammers, yes.

Cordelia: Whiz, are you high again?

Mendel: Why am I here where's my wife

Trina: Right here

Mendel: :3

Whizzer: No stop

Mendel: ?

Whizzer: The...The Straight

Marvin: Whizzer.

Whizzer: Marvin?

Marvin: Behave.

Whizzer: You're not my Dad I don't have to listen to you

Cordelia: But he does have ultimate control over whether or not you have sex tonight so

Trina: No stop

Charlotte: Cor's got a point...

Whizzer: Sex? With Marvin? No.

Whizzer: I'm a Heterosexual Suburban Christian Man.

Whizzer: I only get on my knees to pray to the Lord.

Marvin: ...

Whizzer: Dick? Pfft no I only put the body of Christ in my mouth.

Cordelia: He's lucky he's half catholic

Charlotte: Wait does that mean he's cheating on Marvin with Jesus

Marvin: ...

Mendel: I highly doubt that Whizzer is having a sexual relationship with Jesus Christ

Cordelia: ....Mendel...no...

Whizzer: Jesus is my side hoe sorry Marv

Trina: Really? Right in front of my salad?

Marvin: What the fuck is this conversation you are literally sitting right next to me Whizzer Brown

Whizzer: ;)

Cordelia: This chat went from Whizzer getting existential to sexual escapades with Jesus wow

Mendel: Dab on the haters

Whizzer has left the conversation.

Marvin has added Whizzer to the conversation.

Marvin: Why'd you leave?

Whizzer: Mendel got cringy and it physically hurt to witness it

Charlotte: Well this has been fun but I have work, so...

Charlotte has left the conversation.

Trina: Charlotte has the right idea


Whizzer: One of us

Whizzer: One of us

Whizzer: One of us

Marvin: Stop spamming

Cordelia: One of us

Marvin: No not you too

Whizzer: One of us

Cordelia: One of us

Marvin has removed Whizzer and Cordelia from the conversation.

Trina: Well then

Mendel has left the conversation.

Marvin: ? Wow thanks for the warning Mendel

Trina: He was traumatized by Cordelia and Whizzer trying to apparently start a cult.

Marvin has added Whizzer to the conversation.

Whizzer: Thank you

Marvin: I didn't want to add him back he made me

Whizzer: Shhhhhh

Trina: Okay welllll

Trina has left the conversation.

Whizzer: Rude

Marvin: How is that rude?

Whizzer: Idk

Marvin: What?

Whizzer: Oh my god I need to teach you text talk you fucking grandpa

Marvin: Hey!

Whizzer: Well I guess it's just the two of us...

Marvin: Yeah I guess so

Whizzer: What do you wanna do? ;)

Marvin: We could play chess

Whizzer: boring.

Marvin: I don't hear you throwing out any suggestions.

Whizzer: ...If you own a vacuum cleaner and you clean it, does that make you the vacuum cleaner?

Marvin: you're insane

Whizzer: I'm only asking questions like this because I'm b o r e d

Marvin: Maybe put the phone down and talk to me like a normal person?

Whizzer: Mkay grandpa

Whizzer has left the conversation.

Marvin: I know you can't see this but you're an asshole

Marvin has left the conversation.

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