Never stop holding on: the begining

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"Maybe we should stop holding on so tight."
"Never stop holding on."
The words your best friend Daniel said so many years ago still stuck in your head. You two had promised each other to never stop holding on that day turns out a month later your family decided to move and you hadn't seen him since. When it happened you knew all to well you broke your promise and it broke your heart to leave him, but years went by and you had mostly forgotten about him.

You had forgotten what he looked like or how he laughed all you remembered were the words "never stop holding on" And the warmth of his body. Well that and the fact his name was Daniel other then that he was a forgotten memory of your childhood.

Now you had moved on and started a singing career in LA. You had some crazy awesome fans,but your name wasn't a household name. Right now you dat at home on the couch with a guitar your old childhood friend, Daniel had taught you to play.

You just laughed thinking about your ten year old self learning to play. At first you were terrible, but he kept helping you and you got better. You were so thankful he stuck with you and taught you cause if it weren't for that you wouldn't have a career.... well that and auto tune JK!

In front of you say a notebook and pen ready for lyrics to be written on the delicate paper. You began to strum random chords on your guitar and hum softly. The words ' never stop holding on' kept appearing in your head and you decided why not call a song that? Sounds cool right?

You began to sing the first few words that came to mind. " Never let me go never leave me because baby need you cause baby I see you because baby I-" you got cut off by a loud knock on the door.

You quickly scribble the lyrics down and rush off to get the door. Your manager stood outside your door ready to tell you good news. You let her in and gave her a smile. " What brings you here?" You ask politely.

"It's happening y/n! I talked to this band why don't we's manager and your going on tour with them!" She says happily. Your eyes widen. You finally got to go on tour! And meet all your amazing fans!

Skip to meeting WDW...

You were scared. You were about to meet a bunch of boys and invade their personal space by moving into their tour bus with them. You bite your bottom lip nervously. " Ok grab your stuff I will go talk to their manager." Your manager tells you after parking the car.

You nod and hop out. After getting your luggage you head toward the tour bus. You weren't sure if you should just knock or enter like you owned the place. So you decided it was best to knock.

You tap lightly on the door which is soon opened by a cute boy with brown hair and blue eyes. You give him a smile. "Come on in." He tells you returning the smile.

He shows you where to put your stuff down before taking you to meet everyone. " Um well hi Im y/n if you hadn't guessed." You say laughing nervously at the end.
"I'm Daniel"
"And I'm Zach." Zach says finishing off the list.

Skip to a few days on the road...

You had gotten more comfortable around the boys and finally got all their names right. Right now they were either on their phones or in bed so you decided to pull out your guitar and work on the song "Never stop holding on".

You whispered lyrics under your breath semi-hoping no one heard you because trust me you came up with some pretty weird lyrics at one point.

" And you said to me never stop holding on never stop going on." You sing under your breath.

Daniel who was sitting next to you on his phone now looks up at you. " So what's the song your working on about." You blush lightly realizing that means he heard you.

"I-um well when I was little I had this friend. He taught me to play guitar and stuff. We became really close and people started telling us to stop holding on to each other. So one day I told him " Maybe we should stop holding on so tight." And he told me to "Never stop holding on" So I guess it's kinda based off that." You stay with a shrug.

A huge smile finds its way into Daniels face. " Wow I guess someone did finally grow out of the dorky converse and knee socks." He says. Your eyes widen. Converse and knee socks used to be all you wore. "Wait Danny?!" You say not believing your ears.

By now you had set your guitar down so Daniel took the chance to pull you into a tight hug. " Never let me go again." You whisper recalling the day you had to leave him. You were so heartbroken that day. " Never stop holding on." Daniel whispers back.

"Ok love fest over!" Zach yells walking in.
Thank you Crazygamingforever  for letting me use this idea! I hope y'all enjoyed can't wait to post the second chapter. I will also be posting once or twice a week depending because I have school so thank you!

Word count: 927

Never stop holding on (Daniel Seaver Fan-fiction)On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now