Chapter 1

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A/N: This book does have some cursing, though I'll try to keep it as minimal as possible for those people who really don't appreciate it.

It wasn't uncommon for the Gold Leader to have one of her Commanders in her office. She spoke to them often about their units, what supplies are needed for their soldiers and updates on recruits.

What was uncommon was for the Gold Leader to be in her office talking to a soldier. That wasn't to say Gold never talked to her soldiers. On the contrary, she talked to them about anything and everything.

She just never talked with them in her office.

Gold was hardly ever in her office, unless she was crossing it to go to her adjacent bedroom or in a meeting. For her to have a soldier in her office usually meant bad news, whether for the army as a whole, or for that soldier.

Gold sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of her nose. Her black, unbuttoned trench coat hung to about mid-thigh on her, showcasing her gold turtleneck under the coat. She opened her eyes and stared straight up at the ceiling, not looking at the soldier across from the desk she stood behind.

"What do you mean the supplies have been delayed?" she asked, still not looking at him, her voice laced with annoyance.

The soldier paused and hung his head, looking worried and ashamed. "The supply run ran into a bit of trouble... there's a huge fight going on north of the Belgium-German border."

Gold sighed again and turned slightly to look at the soldier, frowning.

"Who's fighting?" she asked him.

The soldier didn't respond. Instead, he focused his gaze on one of the three large windows behind Gold's desk.

"Soldier," Gold growled, snapping the boy back to reality, "Who's fighting?"

The soldier sucked in a shaky breath and let it out quickly, saying, "The Blue and Red Army's."

Gold closed her eyes and whispered, "Damn it. There's no way we're getting around those two. They'll tear the countryside apart!"

She began to pace around her office, hands behind her back, thinking.

Could they go around? No, too risky, they'd likely be caught and killed and then the army would have to tuck into the emergency stores. Could I send more troops to assist them? No, they'd get caught in the conflict and, knowing the Blue and Red Leader's, most likely killed in the process.

"Alright... I'll think about this more tomorrow." Gold said, truning to her soldier, "You're free to go. Thank you for alerting me."

The boy breathed out a sigh of relief, which he seemed to have been holding for a while. He stood abruptly, nearly knocking the chair he sat in over, and stumbled out of the room as quickly as he could in his nervous state. Gold chuckled at this as he hurriedly saluted before shutting the door rather loudly behind him.

Gold frowned and sat down at her large desk, sitting in the dark leather chair and opened her laptop, knocking a few papers off of it in the process. She switched on her laptop and searched for any news of what may be happening in the Belgium-German area. After about five minutes of searching, she found an article that seemed accurate enough. Her eyes widened as she read bits and pieces of the article.

"The Red and Blue Leaders appear to be at each others throats once again, wreaking havoc upon southern Belgium." She read, "The fighting appears to be so brutal that many civilians have been forced to flee their homes."

Two Leaders (Tord x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant