Playoffs and problems

Start from the beginning

"Why? Why would he do that? Why did I do that?" He screeched.

Okay, this was new.

"Marcus, calm down," I told him.

"I can't calm down Finn. I cheated on Levi!" He was losing his damn mind.

"Are you and Levi serious?" I asked him.

He stopped and looked at me, "Well, duh, he is my boyfriend," he snapped.

"Marcus, enough," I demanded.

"Finn, you don't understand," he whined.

"Marcus, I understand, that you and Luke got caught up in the moment and now, you have regrets," I said to him.

"Regrets? You think this is about regrets?" He screamed.

"Well, yeah," we both said.

"It's not about regrets. Yeah, I feel guilty, but I have loved Luke for a long time. When I actually got up the courage to tell him so, he acted like it was no big deal. Then when I get with Levi, it's like some stupid game to him. Do you realize that tonight, he drove us to a secluded area and came on to me?"

I looked at Max and she looked at me.


"He wanted to 'talk'. So, I thought, okay, we'll go out and talk, just to work out our problems. Then, before I knew it, his lips were on my neck and man, did they feel so good," he started to say.

"Whoa, no need to continue," Max reassured him. I wanted to laugh. Max still got flustered when it came to the intimate things because she wasn't used to them and we hadn't gone further than kissing. Baby steps.

"Anyway, one thing led to another and afterward he tells me he loves me," Marcus says incredulously.

"Maybe he does," I reasoned.

He gave me a look, "Finn, I know Luke. He doesn't say that or does that because he loves someone. He does it because he wants something he can't have and he knows how I feel about him."

Marcus walked over and sat down on his bed and placed his head in his hands.

"All I wanted was him to love me and he used me to get what he wanted," he cried softly. I felt bad for Marcus. I know Luke cares about him, but Marcus loved him, just like I love Max.

The problem was Luke wouldn't admit it and it left Marcus even more confused. This was going to be a problem.

As we entered the playoffs, Luke and Marcus were dealing with their issues. The only problem was every time they tried to talk about it, they didn't end up talking. It went further, with Marcus, feeling devastated and Luke doesn't know what he wanted.

Then there was Levi, who was pretty clueless to it all. Marcus had to keep up front acting like everything was okay, while Luke was trying to figure out what he wanted. The only problem was Sophia got tangled into their mess.

How, may you ask? Well, let's just say things got a little heated between Luke and Sophia after a game. Luke saw Marcus and Levi talking and letting jealousy get the best of him, he marched over and took Sophia's hand, leading her off the field and into the boy's locker room.

From there, things took a turn.

"Luke! What are you doing?" She yelled.

He pushed her up against the wall of the stall and smashed his lips into hers, taking her completely by surprise. Not sure what to think, she ultimately gave in. They stripped quickly until they were completely naked.

As they were getting hot and heavy in the stall, they didn't hear the guys come into the locker room, with all their moaning and grunting, they were doing.

"Damn, someone is getting lucky," Davis said with a grin.

Then they heard her moan, "Oh Luke, harder!"

This took them by surprise as they stood there listening, as Marcus and Levi came into the locker room.

"What's everyone standing around for?" Marcus asked. No one said a word until they heard another moan, "Oh god, yes, yes, yes!" Sophia moans louder.

"What the hell?" Marcus looked around, "Where's Luke?"

They all stood there, quietly.

He looked at all of them, "Where the fuck is Luke?"

"Why do you care where Luke is?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Um," Marcus answered.

"Marcus? Why do you care?" He asked, showing the hurt on his face, knowing the answer already.

Then the bathroom stall opened and out stepped Luke and Sophia. She was adjusting her skirt and he was adjusting his pants.

They looked to see everyone looking at them. They looked back, as Levi said, "Wow. Nice to know my boyfriend is more concerned about you fucking someone else than how I actually feel." He looked at Marcus, "But you would only care if you have been fucking him as well."

Marcus looked down.

"Yeah, I kind of figured. You know, it's funny, you open your heart to someone, only to have it ripped out because they can't stay away from someone that doesn't deserve them." He walked away from Marcus and out of the locker room.

I was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall when Levi came out still in uniform.

"Levi," I said.

He turned to me with tear streak cheeks, "Max, you were right."

"About what?"

"Love sucks. It just rips your heart out and crushes you." With that, he walked away.

I opened the door and walked inside the locker room to find the whole scene. I looked at all of them. They looked at me.


No one said anything.

"Was it really worth it to hurt someone that didn't deserve to be hurt," I asked them. They had no answer. Of course, they didn't.

Finn walked over to me, "Did you know," I asked him.

"No, we walked in and caught them," he said, shaking his head.

"What now?"

"Hell, let them figure it out. Too much drama for me," he said, taking my hand and leading me out of the locker room. His cleats hit the floor with a clunk clunk sound as we walked down the hallway.

"Why do I feel like we live in a soap opera and it has nothing to do with us?"

He rolled his eyes, "Because it's our friends and I would never do that to you. You're my best friend, Max."

I looked up at him, "Good, because I'm pretty sure I can kick your ass if you do."

"I have no doubt." I laughed as did he.

I said it before and I will say it again. Secrets never work out for us.

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