Halloween Hijinks part 2

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We went into the house to see people gathered around in a circle and yelling, which sounded like Marcus and Luke. What now? Did we push our way through people to see Marcus, Luke, and Levi? What in the hell?

"Really Marcus?"

"What do you want from me?"

Max and I looked at each other then back at them.

"Levi of all people?" Luke yelled.

"What? It's not like you can make up your damn mind?" He snapped back.

"Did our friends just get in a love triangle?" Max whispered to me.

"Seems like it," I whispered back.

"Maybe I would make up my damn mind if you weren't busy making out with someone else," Luke yelled at him. "How long?"

"How long, what?"

"How long have you and the bench warmer been messing around behind my back?"

"Well," Levi started.

"Shut up," they both snapped at him.

While they argued, I looked at Max, "This could explain why you didn't have a good time at the movies with Levi."

She looked at me and shook her head as she rolled her eyes.

I finally stepped in, "Enough!"

They stopped and looked at me.

"Look, if you two like each other, fine, but at least, make up your damn minds. Because the rest of us were sick of the both of you being indecisive about each other," I told them. Then I looked at Levi, "Really?"

"What? He knows how to kiss," he shrugged.

I just shook my head. "I swear you two are worse than Sophia and Emma when a sale is going on at Macy's."

"Hey," Sophia and Emma yelled.

"Now, I don't care what the hell both of you do or don't do, but can you not be doing it at a party," I said emphatically to them.

"Whatever, I'm out of here," Luke grumbled as he pushed past people.

"Where's he going?" Max asked.

"Beats me, but considering I'm his ride home, he's not going to get far," I answered. I swear our friends were something else.

It's interesting to be navigating these feelings with Finn, but even more interesting to see the love triangle Marcus got himself into. Especially with Levi of all people. I did not see that one coming.

I think I was all partied out for the night. Nothing like drama to put a crimp in the festivities. Finn took all of us home. Of course, Marcus and Luke weren't speaking and Emma had to be sandwiched in between them in the back seat.

Once Finn dropped them all off at home, we went back to my house. I guess my genie costume wasn't such a big deal, now, was it?

We came in and as soon as we were inside my room, I went and changed into something comfy. While I changed in the bathroom, Finn changed in my room. We both put on a pair of sweats and tee shirts, then settled onto my bed and watched scary movies.

I cuddled up next to him and he wrapped his arms around me, just like he always did.

"Hey, Huckleberry?"

"Yes, Mad Max," he said.

"Please tell me we won't have to deal with what happened between Marcus and Luke, will happen to us."

Max and Finn (Wattpad Version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora