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1. If a cover says "Unavailable" it  is not available for you to have.

2. Covers that are available will say "Available" in the title and these are the ones that you can request.

3. Post the form (which will be in the next chapter) on the chapter of the cover that you want.

4. The payment for each cover will be written in the chapter containing the cover, if it is not, just simply ask and I will tell you (I am a forgetful person).

5. You book does not have to be posted at the time of your request, but must be up within two weeks of you requesting the graphic or it will get turned back into a premade (I will check).

6. If you request a premade it must be used within two weeks and it must stay up for at least two weeks (I will check). 

7. When your form is accepted, reply within three days or it will be put back as available.

8. I don't go by the "I commented first so it's mine request." If there is more than one comment for a cover when I look at the chapters I will go by the one that has the most complete form and the one that I think the cover would be best for.

9. When I accept a request I will send the cover to you through PM and post it on the same chapter as the premade you requested and say that you took it.

10. Put the password "Livin" on your form so I know that you read the rules. If the password is not on the form your request will be denied.

Do request as many times as you want

Don't steal my covers

***Also note that I will be putting covers in as I do them, so the good ones will be scattered throughout the book***

Premade CoversWhere stories live. Discover now