Give Us A Chance - Part 9

Start from the beginning

"Hello?" He answered.

"Harry, it's uh... me," you said on the other line.

"Y/N, baby, I've been looking for you all over," he sighed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you said. "Well, mostly."

"I'm so fucking sorry for what happened this morning. Where are you? I'll pick you up and we can go back to my place and talk about it," he said. "My Mum and sister won't be there, at least I told them not to be."

You sighed. "I'm at the pub, I got cold so I walked in and they let me use their phone," you said.

"Okay, I know exactly where that is, I'll be there in a few minutes," he said.

"Okay," you whispered before hanging up.


When you saw Harry's car pull up, you walked outside and got in. He quickly leaned over and took you into this arms. You hid your face in his chest as he rubbed your back and kissed your head.

"Thank you for calling me. I was freaking out," he admitted.

"Sorry, I uh... I wasn't exactly thinking when I left," you sighed.

"Maybe not, but I don't blame you for leaving," he whispered. "You were right, I shouldn't have treated you like you weren't there. I was just so upset with what they were saying and I've never seen them act like that before."

"Well, I guess that just makes me fucking special," you mumbled.

Harry took your hand and laced it with his as he drove towards his house. "I want you to know I don't believe anything they said," he whispered. "I know your feelings towards me are genuine."

"Hearing you say that means so much to me," you said. "I was worried you might believe them."

"I'd never," he said. "I'd never think you were using me or anything like that."

"Thank you," you whispered. "But, Harry... I feel like this as caused so much damage already. It's quite obvious they've formed an opinion on me and don't plan on changing it anytime soon. And then there's the fact they're your family and I don't want to be the cause or the reason for you three not to be speaking."

"Don't worry about that," he said. "You're not the reason, they are."

You sighed. "I don't get why they were so harsh towards me..."

"They're protective and they usually mean well, but this time they crossed the line," he said. "I just hope that this doesn't affect our relationship."

"Of course, it affects it, Harry," you sighed.

"I don't want to lose you," he whispered sadly. "Not like this, not ever."

"I don't want to lose you either," you said. "But I can't go through that again and like I said, I don't want you not speaking to your family because of how they feel towards me."

"I'll talk to them," he said. "And I'll promise you that it won't ever happen again."

"How do you know that?" You asked looking over at him.

"Because if they love and care about me like I think they do, then they'll respect the girl that I care about so fucking much and who makes me happy," he whispered.

"I hope you're right," you whispered.


It was the next day and Harry had arranged for his mother and sister to come over for a chat. You were nervous as you sat in the living room, but at least you had your guard up, unlike last time. You hoped today went well because honestly, you felt as if your and Harry's relationship depended on it.

When the sound of the doorbell ringing filled the air, your heart dropped to your stomach. Harry looked over at you and you nodded. He gave you a small smile before going to answer the door. Soon, the three of them joined you in the living room and it was obvious that you could cut the tension with a knife.

Harry sat next to you and put took your hand in his. "First off, I think we all owe Y/N an apology for what was said yesterday," he said.

"We really are sorry," Anne stated. "We want you both to know we didn't come here yesterday with the intention of what happened."

"Then why did it happen?" You asked honestly. "I get that you're protective over Harry, but you two didn't even give me a chance. You just formed this opinion on me for some reason and I'm not anything like that. And if you would have just got to know me, you'd know that."

"And we are sorry for that, but you have to realize, it didn't sound good knowing that you two are working together," Anne said. "It just seemed odd... I guess."

"But it's not to us," Harry said. "And that's all that should matter. Before we even got together, we did talk about all of that prior to taking the step of a relationship."

"We really did, we even considered not having a relationship at all at first, but our feelings took over and we couldn't cover them up anymore," you whispered.

"You both know that I've never really been in a serious relationship before, but after meeting Y/N, I want to be. I've never felt what I feel for her with anyone and I really see this going somewhere, but this won't work if you two are constantly judging her for something she's not," he whispered.

"I'm glad that you're happy, Harry, I am," Gemma said. "But don't you think you're moving too fast with one another."

"Again, we're not getting married or moving in together. We're still taking things slow, but you have to understand that our start of a relationship is different than most, so what may seem like we're moving too fast to you, we're really not," he said.

"Harry's right," you said. "When we were in Jamaica, we practically spent all day together, even before we started "dating." So, we pretty much moved "fast" from the beginning."

Harry got up from the couch and grabbed the remote to the TV.

"Um, Harry now is not the time for Netflix," Anne scolded.

"That's not.... I'm showing you two the footage of us in Jamaica to show you that our feelings... Y/N's feelings are genuine," he said. "Because I can tell you all day how I feel and care about her, but until you see it for yourself, you might not realize just how much."

You looked at him shocked because you didn't know he was going to do this. He pressed play and soon the video of you two laughing and doing stupid, but fun things in Jamaica started playing. There was footage of him chasing after you and him glancing at you while he was recording a song. There was even something that you didn't even know was on there because you weren't the one holding the camera, it was someone else.

You two were out near the pool and his arms were wrapped around you. You were looking up into his eyes as he looked down at yours. You both were smiling and laughing as you danced to whatever music was playing softly in the background.

You looked over at Harry, who smiled at you and kissed your head.

"Wow," Gemma whispered. "You do really care about him..."

"Yeah, I do," you nodded. "I'd never use him or intentionally hurt him ever. I'm not that type of person in general, but I'd never do that him because I care too much, if that's possible."

Harry blushed a bit and looked at his sister and mother. "So, do you believe us now? Will you give Y/N the chance she deserves... the chance we deserve to see where our feelings take us?"

"Yes," Anne whispered. "We've only ever wanted you to be happy, Harry, and if that's Y/N... then we'll do everything we can to make sure that happens."

"Thank you," you smiled.

"I really am sorry for what I said," Gemma said. "I never should have said those or assumed..."

"Thank you for apologizing," you said. "And for giving me a chance. I promise you won't regret it."


Hope you enjoyed the update! :)

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