More Than An Island Romance? - Part 6

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"Don't you even fucking think about it," you said pointing to your boyfriend.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You know exactly what. Just because this camera is waterproof doesn't fucking mean you can just push me off this board and into the ocean," you said. "Besides I'm working remember? We're supposed to be professional."

"You say that yet it's hard to be professional when you're wearing that," he said.

"Cause I'm gonna wear actual clothes while I'm in the ocean, yeah that sounds like a good idea," you said. "Maybe you should learn how to control yourself."

"You're just so... fucking hot," he smirked.

"You do realize I'm recording, right?" You said. "I'm going to have a lot of editing to do."

He laughed pushing himself back up on the board. "We'll just keep it for ourselves."

You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, go back to acting like I'm not here, so I can actually use this footage."

"You're so bossy," he smirked. "It's actually a bit of a turn on."

"Again? Really, if you keep talking, I'm adding this in and everyone will see," you smirked.

"You wouldn't," he said looking over at you.

"Oh, I would," you smirked kicking the board and causing him to fall off.


Harry's album was officially complete. He finally felt good with everything and in honor to celebrate, you all were going to have a listening party at the house. He got a chef to cook an amazing full-on Jamaican spread for dinner and you all gathered around with some drinks to listen to it after dinner.

"Um, before we give this thing a listen, I just wanted to say a few things first," he coughed. "I want to thank all of you for being here and putting your own lives on pause for over two months, so that I- we could make something I'm extremely proud of. The time I've spent here has been some of the greatest memories and best times of my life and you all are apart of that, so thank you."

"Thanks, buddy," Jeff said. "Although, I'm sure Y/N has more do with that, then any of us," he joked.

He laughed. "She's definitely part of it," he smiled down at you.

You gave him a quick kiss before he went over and pressed play. You cuddled up with Harry as you all sat around listening to it. Every so often, you'd look up and see the biggest, widest smile across Harry's face. A part of you wanted to grab your camera and record this special moment, but you didn't want to become Y/N, Harry Styles' Videographer, you wanted to be Harry Styles' girlfriend in that moment, so you stayed put and wrapped your arms around his waist.

After the listening party, you all went your separate ways for the evening leaving you and Harry in the living room.

"So, uh, what did you think?" He asked looking over at you.

"Honestly?" You asked.

"Honestly," he nodded.

"I... loved it," you smiled. "It's definitely you and you looked so happy listening to it. I'm really proud of you."

"Thank you," he smiled putting his forehead against yours. "I'm really proud of it and I love it, so knowing that other people feel the same, is a great feeling to have."

"What would you have done if I told you I didn't like it," you giggled.

"I would have been a little upset, but you're allowed to have your own opinion and to be honest when I started making this album, I knew I wanted to make an album for myself, yeah, I want others to like and enjoy it too, but the only person I really care about liking it, is me," he said.

Behind The Album - Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now