The Tale of The Wolf Siblings

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Lana ran threw her feild, her black hair streamed out behind her, she lived on a ranch out in the middle of no where, her tan skin was wet and glittering water drops from her recent swim in her lake.Suddenly she froze, she heard howls and yips. Was this what she thought it was? a pack of wolves burst through the trees , her eyes widened. She had seen this pack before and she loved watching them. Her favorites were the black and the white one at the lead, which at that moment were licking eachothers necks, backs and ears playfully. The white one was a beautiful arctic wolf, she had short ivory fur, her eyes were dark blue. The black one was a male, he was a very handsome wolf, the black one had green eyes like Lana and rippling muscles on his shoulders and legs. There was one other who intruiged her, a silvery black on with hazel eyes. She saw the fea now, her tail was swaying and her hackles raised. A snarl formed on her lips as she watched the black and white wolves. Lana sighed wishing she could be with them, a wolf. Running through the trees, fighting, hunting whenever. That was the life. as the wolves dissapeared, her phone rang. She had brought it to the lake, and almost dropped it in.

'Hello.' She said, toweling her arms.

'Hey Looney.'

'Hi Dimitri, what's up?'

'The sky. Wanna come over? I'm having a picnic.'

'As much as I love your picnics, I really don't want a hotdog up my nose or in my eye.' She grinned at his response.

'Naughty language Dim, I'm a lady, and I don't care if it was one time, it still hurt.'

"So you'll be here at 2:00' Dimitri said loudly.

She sighed. "You know me to well.'

With that she hung up. She headed back to her house to get ready to go over to Dimitri's

The white wolves paw's hit the ground, landing from her jump over the giant fallen tree. Her fur rippled softly as her nose smushed back into her face, her knees bent forward, the fur shook from her body and there on her hands and knees was a naked girl. She stood and walked over to a hollow in a tree, she took out some underwear, a bra a shirt and pants. She got dressed and looked around at the rest of her pack. Cictriz stood with his shirt off a short distance away. She swiped a peice of white hair form her face and walked over to him.

'Hey.' She said, smiling. "Quite a run, wasn't it?"

Cictriz smiled. "Yea, did you see that girl in the feild?, she was all wet.' As usual, Cictriz didn't put on a shirt, but no one was complaining. Cictriz was a tall guy with black hair and striking blue eyes. He had a 8 pack a very defined V. She sat down and leaned against the tree trunk. Her keen nose wrinkled slightly and she nodded to Cictriz.

"See you in a minute." She said and walked away, into the trees. As soon as no one could see or hear her, a golden haired girl with shifting hazel eyes stepped out. The white wolfs eyes narrowed.

"Hello." The white wolf said. The golden haired girl made a strange noise like a growl, then a visciouse snarl ripped form her throat.


"I did nothing." She said, her blue eyes ice cold. She knew this girl was referring to what had happened at the moon pool with Cictriz. She knew why this golden girl was upset, after all it was her former mate. The golden girls muscles rippled as she sank, her knees bending back. Her teeth elongated and sharped into fangs and beautiful golden fur rippled along her body, sprouting up like grass. The white wolf stepped back, her own body shifting. Soon two wolves circled eachother, snapping and snarling. Their hackles raised.The golden wolf was ready to leap, her legs bent and she sprang into the air, her teeth shining and aimed she right for the white wolves throat. The white wolf was too slow, her paws rushed back and she fell, her head cracking loudly on a boulder, she saw the glittering ivory teeth above her an knew she was going to die.

Lana rode her bike to Dimitri's house. She parked it by the porch and got off of it, tieing her hair back in a pony tail she walked up to the door and knocked. Dimitri's mother answered and smiled.

'Hello dear, Dimitri's out in the woods he'll be back soon.' His mother let Lana in and smiled. 

'Just make yourself comfortable.' Lana murmured a thank you then walked into the living room and sat down. A few minutes later Dimitri walked in form the back door, breathless and not wearing a shirt. And, was that a cut on his arm.

'Jeez, what have you been doing? fighting wolves?' Dimitri laughed.

'If you only knew.' She shook her head and stood up. 'So, there is supposed to be a picinic, and we better hurry cause I'm hungry.'

'Yea, yea. Calm your booty, I still gotta make the food.' Dimitri said. Lana rolled her eyes and shook her rump. 

'Maybe I don't want to.' She stopped and laughed as Dimitri's mom gave her a funny look. 

'Oh, and Dimitri? please no hotdogs.' He burst out laughing and went into the kitchen to make the stuff.

Aroa woke with a wet rag on her head. She scrambed up, but realized she was in no danger. Triz paced a few feet away whilst Sultry, the golden wolf lay slightly bleeding from a leg injury. Aroa leaned against a tree, her eyes closed. Her head was throbbing horribly and all she could remeber seeing was Sultry's teeth above her throat. 'Cictriz.' She called. He looked up and walked over, a smile splitting his face. 

'Yea Aroa?' He asked, crouching beside her.

'How am I alive?' She asked, glancing at Sultry with a glare on her brow. Cictriz looked uncomfortable.

'Dimitri.' He said, his gaze darkening. Aroa hid her smile, good ol' Dimitri, Aroa had no idea why Triz hated the loner so much, he seemed pretty helpful, maybe it was a guy thing. She tried to sit up and quickly lay flat again.

'Oh, bad idea.' She tried it again after a minute or two, this time very slowly. She propped herself up on a tree and sighed, closing her eyes. Her nostrils flared as she took in a deep breath, Sultry's stench filled the clearing.

'Triz, could you please get her out of here?' She asked softly. She heard a rough growl and could almost feel Sultry's angry stare on her then there was the sound of a slight whimper and bare feet snapping twigs as someone fled into the trees. Aroa opened her eyes slowly, and almost jumped out of her pants. Her eyes widened. Oh no! her pants! She looked down quickly and only then noticed she was fully dressed. She looked back up into the startlingly blue eyes of Cictriz.

'Is there a reason you're so close?' She breathed softly. 'I mean, not that I'm complaining.' A grin broke over Cictriz's mouth and he chuckled, moving a stray strand of hair out of her face. Aroa caught his hand and pressed it against her cheek. It was so warm, it made her feel safe, by this time the head ache was fading and she could focus more clearly, she recognized Dimitri's scent and also Cictriz's, they were strangly similar though Aroa couldn't think of a reason why.  

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