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Chapter ONE


Being a secret agent for Kingsman has its ups and downs but the biggest concern for most people was the risk. The risk of never coming back from a mission, failing to not only protect loved ones but the clueless citizens that roam the streets. Baffled by the idea of the trouble that we go through to make sure they get home for dinner every night.

Call me crazy, but unlike most, I didn't join the Secret Service for 'values' or 'morals.' I joined for the thrill and adventure. Sure values are important but the adrenaline I get when I save the world gives me the energy to put up with all the stress that we agents have to go through. With the positives also comes the negatives, and trust me these are irritating. Let's start off with the atrocious outfits that I have to wear to be a 'proper lady'! Have you seen their wardrobe?! It consists of plaid, drab colors and more plaid, did I mention plaid? I feel like an absolute fool but I guess you got to get used to it, to be a 'proper lady' as Harry calls it.

 As it may seem like it cant get any worse, well let me prove you wrong. We may go out on the field once in a while and do practical work, but when we're not out on the streets we're at home slaving away re-searching new crisis' and problems that may arise. Because of this my social life is DEAD, deceased, gone, vanished into oblivion. I spend most, if not all my time dedicated to work, I hardly get a night off. Lucky for me I get to work with some of the best people on earth, my rocks that keep me somewhat grounded in a world full of chaos. They are Roxy, Eggsy, Merlin, and Harry, my little family. You may think I have all I need, I'm not sure what it is either, but I can't help the feeling that something's missing. 

Eggsy has his own personal life with his gorgeous  'princess' of a girlfriend, I could not be happier for the couple. Although they might have met on a weird occasion, it'll be a story for the grandkids! 

Roxy, on the other hand, is one of my closest friends. We clicked instantly on the trials forming a strong bond, shes my non-blood related sister, who I can unload all my stress and troubles on. We both made it to the end of the recruiting process being too valuable to let go, we both got a position on the dream team. 

But Roxy is just like Harry and Merlin, their anchors may not be a lover like Eggsy but they still have one. That is dedication, they are all so dedicated to their work, that doing their job and saving lives is enough satisfaction for a lifetime. 

Me on the other hand...... I don't have an anchor. I keep searching for this non-existent thing that will make me feel complete and grounded. I need something or someone to save me because right now I'm in a metaphorical ocean, lost at sea. drowning. 


A/N: Ayyyeee welcome to the end of the first chapter. I just wanted to start off by introducing the character first and her problematic life at the moment before going into depth with the plot. 

What do you think is missing? A certain male with the name of an alcoholic beverage? hmm maybe.....

Thank you so much as always x

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