Chapter Fourteen- Homebound

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Two months later

Ginny anxiously watched her friend struggle through the café door, ladened down by several large bags of shopping. In less than a second, she was by her side and removing them from her.

‘What do you think you are doing?! You really need to slow yourself down!’ she fumed, dropping the bags underneath a nearby vacant table. ‘Especially in your-‘

‘Don’t,’ Hermione gasped. She had been on her feet for the last three hours, wandering around various shops, and she looked about to drop. ‘Don’t say- that word…’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘You know, if I had known you were shopping, I would have come with you. Or, better yet, you could have done it at Diagon Alley and levitated them around. Or, even better, have you heard of internet shopping?’

‘Can’t-‘ Hermione slumped down into the chair, peeling off her scarf and gloves. ‘They’re presents for my family. Needed to do it- the Muggle way. And I don’t know if I can trust online shopping just yet.’ Ginny rolled her eyes again and waved to the waitress.

‘Two teas please,’ she smiled. She side-eyed Hermione. ‘Plenty of sugar for this one, thanks.’ As the waitress left, she spun around and took Hermione’s hands in hers. ‘Now, tell me. And I will know if you’re lying but… are you okay?’

‘I-‘ Hermione’s instant go-to response was defensive. To argue that all was well now. That things were better than well. She had her own place now: a beautiful little flat above a bookshop. She now owned two fluffy tabby cats after learning of Crookshank’s passing. She had caught up eventually with all of her old friends and even some of her old professors. Her job however was what she loved most of all. She held a high position within the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Her day was spent writing owls and organising events. S.P.E.W. was now a recognised group with a small but devoted following. Her work was long, tiring and challenging but she just adored the rush it gave her.

Yet things weren’t all perfect. Her memory remained damaged. She was exhausted all the time. Her clothes no longer fitted her. The morning sickness that McCarthy had so successfully managed through potions in St Mungo’s, had flared up with a vengeance. She could just about stomach the tea put before her, her stomach churning as she watched Ginny pour milk into hers.

Worst of all however was Malfoy. She had seen him a few times after the hospital, mostly at work if they had the misfortune to bump into each other. They were both sickeningly polite to each other: he would ask after the baby, she would ask after his work. Mostly though, their contact was limited to owls sent through their lawyers. Just that morning, before she had left the flat, she had received one such owl requesting her politely but firmly to allow him to the next scan. She could hardly refuse, could she?

‘I’m fine,’ she finally said. ‘How are you?’ She added quickly before Ginny could question her further. Mercifully however Ginny had a whole host of news to impart and Hermione could spend the hour pleasantly listening.

As they paid the Muggle waitress and stood up to leave, Ginny enveloped her into a tight hug.

‘If you need anything,’ she said. ‘Do not even think to hesitate. Harry or me will be round straight away. And-‘ She quickly grabbed the bags before Hermione could get them. ‘I’ll drop these off at your flat.’

‘I can-‘

‘No buts! It’ll only take me a second. Oh, and I better not forget. Mum wanted to know if you’d like to come around for Christmas dinner. She didn’t know if you would have other plans or-‘

‘I’d love to.’ Hermione’s reply was sincere at least. She always loved being in the Burrow and it meant spending the day with people. Her family would be spending Christmas in Australia and due to her… condition, she could hardly fly out to them, let alone Apparate all that way.

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