twenty three ➳ article

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By: ItsJared

The talk of the wonderful world called the internet is none other than O'brien's new girl. She is known as Taylor Skeens, popular for her videos and her variety of videos on her YouTube channel.

But the question is, who is really Skeens and where did she come from?

Skeens, (24), is a *inster ganern lahi* raised in California. Before the was really famous, she had a variety of rumors and other issues about her past relationship. Being divorced, cheating on her boyfriends and other things that she openly shares with her subscribers.

Skeens and O'brien was publicly introduced as friends through a Twitter post by O'brien's co-artist, Tyler Posey:

@TylerGPosey: ya'll i found the girl dylan won't shut up about! say hi to @taylorskeens everyone!

Which was later followed by a tweet by Skeens:

@taylorskeens; so you talk about me huh? @dylanobrien

Through their friendship, Skeens has bonded and became friends with the rest of the Teen Wolf cast shown by recent Instagram posts by Skeens herself when the cast visited LA last week.

A day after the cast left, Skeens posted another picture than non-other than O'brien, who she was rumoured to be in bad terms a few days before they hung out.

Do you think TayLan is a ship or sink?

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