Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 3

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"You don't like it?" I shook my head. "Come here." He opened his arms and I sat on his lap as he pulled his arms round me. More people were killed and I buried my head into his bare chest. 

"You stink of sweat... Just saying." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Well, I've just got back from prancing around on a stage in all black with intense lights on me. I think it should be acceptable that I stink." I laughed.

"You forgot that you were also being a bad ass guitar player." He smiled. I reached over him and grabbed the remote, turning the TV off.

"Too scary?" I nodded and climbed into bed. "Sorry." He got in too and pulled me towards him. "You know, it's hard to take you seriously when you're dressed as the Cookie Monster." I just stuck my tongue out and soon fell asleep in his arms...


I woke up without Jake and after searching our room, I realised he wasn't there. I decided that since it was one in the afternoon, he might have gone to Andy's room... Andy wasn't there and neither was Jake...

I ran back to my room and pulled on my blue hightops, before walking out of the hotel and across to the other one where CC, Jinxx and Ashley were staying. I must have looked stupid since a few people jeered... I didn't care that I was dressed as the Cookie Monster, I just wanted to find Jake and Andy.

I first went to CC's; he wasn't there. When I tried Jinxx's there was also the same result... Where the hell were they?! I knocked on the door of Ashley's and Alice came to the door.

"Hey Jayy. Haha that rhymed." I smiled a little.

"Yeah, that's just great but, do you know where any of the guys are?" She had a 'lightbulb' moment.

"Ashley said they were going to the woods out back to look for something he lost last night apparently..." Brilliant! Just bloody brilliant!

"Thanks." I quickly left and ran to the woods out the back. It was a good job it was light or I'd never find them.

I quietly walked until I heard a quiet voice... It didn't matter that it was quiet though, I knew exactly who it belonged to... ANDY!

"Come on! Can we not just go back? We don't even know what you're looking for and you've just had us stand here for a while..." I laughed a little... I knew what Ashley was 'looking' for... I stepped out.

"Ashley." He turned round and laughed at my outfit. "Shut your face. Let the guys go back." He kept laughing.

"You could have dolled yourself up a little baby." I slapped him, hard.

"Shut. Your. Face! THIS is what you do when you care about people. You'll go out and find them without caring what you look like! Unlike you could ever do!" He scoffed.

"I cared!" I sighed.

"You didn't Purdy. You wouldn't even help me when I thought Andy was dying because you were too busy fixing your hair to bother. That's not even bad to me, it's bad to Andy too! You fucked everyone over. You're such a prick! You know what?! I thought about what happened yesterday and I was willing to forgive you until you did this!" He looked confused.

"You were going to forgive me?" He sounded amazed.

"I was... But 'was' is the main word. Plus, we would have only stayed friends. Now, go back to Alice and make her happy alright? And not YOUR idea of happiness... hers... Alright?" He nodded and walked off, while Jake came over and hugged me, so did Andy and CC... Jinxx kept his distance though.

"Jayy?" I looked up and saw him stood there. "Come here." He hugged me, like a brother... Like Andy did.

"Now Jinxx. You're the most sensible out of the lot of these so you are going to get Ashley help. Get someone to help get him out of his psychotic mindframe and get him back to the Ashley he was... Alright?" He nodded "Now, fancy going to KFC you lot?" Everyone nodded.

"You not going to get changed?" I gave my brother the look he knew all too well and he knew what my reaction was going to be.

"Bitch please! I'm fabulous!" I pulled a 'model' pose and everyone laughed as we walked down the road. 

We reached KFC and as soon as we got up to the counter, the guy was looking me up and down. As everyone placed their orders, he didn't stop watching me... Even as I walked away.

"Jake?" He turned to look at me as we sat down together. "That guy's really creeping me out..." Jake looked. "Oh sh*t, he's coming over!" Jake had his own little 'lightbulb' moment. 

As soon as the guy came over, Jake put his lips to mine, and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and we were like that for a good while until we finally broke apart. The guy was, unfortunately, still stood there...

"Well Cookie Monster chick... I was going to ask you for your number but I guess you're already taken..." He hung his head and started to walk off. 

We all started really laughing and I guess we drew too much attention to ourselves because we were given the attention of fans. One didn't seem to like me but the others got photo's with me too. The one that didn't seem to like we kept glaring so I decided to weird her out a little.

"Come here." She backed away as I walked towards her. "Come on... Come give Cookie here a hug!" She ran out and the other girls were laughing along with the rest of us.  The girls then left to find their friend and we sat back down.

"You are seriously crazy." I looked up to see Andy laughing and shaking his head.

"Well what can you expect? I grew up with you didn't I?" He pulled a face and we all just sat around laughing before finishing our food and walking back to mine and Jake's hotel room. 

We were all sitting and watching Batman (Andy's choice) when there was knock on the door... 

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя