Chapter 1: Right Now

Start from the beginning

"Give it to me." She said as she held her hand out.

"But how am I supposed to-" she gave me a look and put the sword closer to me. "Fine." I whispered as I gave it to her. It's not like I didn't have another just in case. "Where are we going?" I asked looking at her.

"To my friend." She answered simply. She was only a little bit taller than I was but she wanted to look intimidating. We walked for a little until we got to a house. It was small but it looked safe enough.

We walked in and I looked around cautiously. I didn't want to be attacked by anything she might've set up. I put my hand on the knife in my back pocket just in case.

We walked to the back of the house into a room and there was a light skinned blonde woman sitting there. She looked awfully sick.

"Come here. Give me your bag." The woman said as I walked over. I slowly took it off and once I did she grabbed it quickly. I sighed lightly. She went through and grabbed the blanket and gave it to me to hold. She sat down and I sat next to her grabbing the knife out of my boot. I knew now was the time to catch her off guard because the other woman could barely move and she had her mind else where.

I grabbed onto her and put my knife to her throat. "You really thought I would give you my supplies that easily?" I said quietly to her not sure of who else could be around. "What have you done to deserve them huh?" I asked holding onto her as tight as I could.

"My friend she's sick. She needs them." The woman answered angrily.

"Please." The woman said opening her eyes. "We won't hurt you. Michonne... she's just a little intimidating." The woman said as she opened her eyes slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked looking at the blonde. "Did you get bit?"

"No. It's just been a harsh winter, that's all." She answered looking to me. The winter was pretty cold, I wasn't going to lie. "We won't hurt you. She won't hurt you."

"How am I supposed to believe that?" I asked looking at her.

"You can't. But you should." Michonne said as I paused for a second. If this would end bad for me, at least it would end quickly. I let go and took my bag back. I put my knife back in my boot and looked to her as she stayed still.

"You can't take to much of these at once." I said grabbing the bottle. Mom taught me a bit about them before things happened. "When's the last time you've had medicine?"

"A couple days." Michonne answered looking at me holding her neck.

"Then you can have one." I answered opening the bottle. "You get one every four hours. Any more and you could- it would get worse." I said correcting myself. I didn't like saying die for any reason. I handed her the pill but she couldn't really grab it so I gave it to Michonne instead.

"What are those marks for?" The blonde asked me looking at my wrist.

"How many Ive killed. Munchers not people." I clarified looking up. Michonne gave her the medicine and some water.

She nodded. "My name is Andrea by the way." She said looks to me. I smiled lightly.

"Do you have any extra water?" I asked looking at her.

"Yeah." Michonne said pulling another almost empty bottle out of her bag. She gave it to me and I drank it quickly. Andrea started to gag a little.

"Oh." I said looking at her. "That's probably me. Sorry." I said looking down a little.

"I meant to ask. You have guts in your hair?" Michonne asked looking at me.

"It works kind of like those munchers." I looked to the two she had. They didn't have mouths or arms. "Keeps the others away."

Michonne nodded as I took the guts off my hair as much as I could and threw them out the door.

"Better?" I asked Andrea as she nodded.

"Thank you." She smiled lightly. Even I knew it hadn't to have been that much better since other than my new set of clothes I probably looked like actual shit.

"So you never told us your name." Michonne said looking to me.

"I'm Lyla Rose." I responded looking to Michonne who nodded. "Sorry for threatening you." I said looking to her.

"Thank you for helping." She replied as I smiled and she smiled lightly back. I think I finally found people to be with.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please let me know what you think of Lyla Rose! Also let me know what you think will happen! Thank you so much for reaching :)
Thanks Fren,

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