smile for once(Addy)

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 *Y/N'S POV*

I had been taken away from my group months ago, I also Taken from my Female Lover, Addison Carver, I Escaped the people who took me but didn't know where my group was, I was just walking until I found them, I knew they were going to Cally, So I headed in that direction, I saw a car parked on the side of the road, I heard people talking, "So Doc I need Help with something over here" I heard a Famailer voice and Name, Then a old man and Handsome man started to walk toward me I look shocked when I saw who it was, I ran into 10k's arms then into Doc's "Where is Addy" I asked "Over there" 10k Pointed towards the car, I ran yelling "ADDY" she looked over at me "Y/N" Then she ran towards me until we reached each other and hugged she was smiling and crying, I was just crying,she pulled away from the hug and kissed my lips "Hey, Smile for once" She said I nodded and Smiled Happy to see everyone else and Happy to see my girlfriend.

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