1. Meeting them

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So 2 days ago l got a call from Stefan begging for me to go to Mystic Falls and help him and Damon with Vampire issues. Me being, well me, waited 2 days. And now l am passing the 'Welcome To Mystic Falls' sign in my black convertible Lamborghini. They didn't really tell me what they needed help with but whatever.

I haven't seen my 'brothers' in 50 years, because we had a misunderstanding. We fixed it 40 years later and then 10 years later here am l. l looked down at my outfit. l really liked this one.

(Outfit in the comments) *For those readers that can't copy the link. Here it is! Her outfit is a river island yellow wrap crop top (search on Google if you want to know what it is), black ripped short shorts, and black Jeffrey Campbells.*

*At the Salvatore House*

l got to the house and heard at least 9 people in there.
l left my bags in my car, i'll just send Damon to get them later. l opened the door and no ones noticed me... good. They were all in the living room.
"Ok so listen guys, she'll get here in a few minutes. Be nice. Besides she will probably help us kill him. So don't let her get to you." Stefan said. "Stefan's right. Be nice." Damon agreed with Stefan.
"Should l be scared of her?" The doppleganger asked. l assume her name is Elena Gilbert. "Yes. She's worse than Katherine." Damon replied.
"Aw Damon, thats so rude of you. But whatever l don't care." l said stepping out of the shadows making myself known that l was here.
"Amber. So nice of you to come help us. Why'd it take you so long?" Stefan asked. "Well Stefan, l had things to do, people to eat, and l didn't wanna go to this horrid of a town." l simply stated with my british accent showing deeply like Klaus's.
"You have a british accent," A blonde vampire who l assume her name is Caroline. "Well yes. l was born there. The l got adopted by the Salvatore's, then l went back, killed people. And to visit old friends. But l also killed them so they aren't friends anymore," l said and shrugged.
"Well l guess your like Damon, doesn't care about a humans life." The Bennet Witch said. Bonnie.
"Who said they were humans. Some were vampires, werewolves, and even witches. Might l add those witches tasted slitty herby. Probably because of the witch hazel l injected before but... oh well..." l said. Her expression made me smirk when l told her l drank from witches. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. A 'bitch' was mumbled under her breath. l smirked.
"Why yes l am a bitch. l think we are alike. Cause so are you." l said. She glared at me and l smirked. "Relax Bonnie, remember what Stefan said. Don't let her get to your head" Elena whispered to her.
"Oh dear Elena, why do you whisper when almost the whole room is full of vampires, or hybrids." l said and turned to Tyler. ' don't now why Klaus would choose you of all people to become one but oh well' l thought.
"So Damon Stefan why'd you call me?" l asked looked at my brothers. "We kinda, sorta, pissed off the original family," Damon said not looking at me in the eye. "We, or you?" l said towards Damon. "Him!" Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, and Caroline said in sync.
"yo nunca he visto a nadie tan estúpido!" l said in spanish (Translation: I have never seen anyone this stupid).
Everyone in the room is expecting me to translate. "Search it up." l shrugged. Jeremy was the only one to take him phone out and go on google translate.
"I've never seen anyone this stupid?" he said. Damon gasped. He fake cried on Stefans shoulder. "Dios mio." l said and signed. (Translation: Oh my god).
"Ok so in specific what original?" l asked. "Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol. We kinda un daggered some of them," Damon said and shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. My eyes widened. l quickly recovered it and signed. "So the originals are in Mystic Falls?" l asked. They all nodded. l acted like l hated it. "Great," l mumbled.
Huh maybe l should go visit Klaus mansion. Yea defiantly. "Oh ok. Imma go visit some friends. Don't wait up or call or text. l will be back... maybe." l said and walked out the front door and climbed into my car. Oh well. l never really talked to Finn and as of Kol, we didn't talk either. l was always the closet to Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah. We were the 4 musketeers when we were human.
l sped off to the Mikaelson Mansion which was only 5 mins away. l got off my car and closed the door. l knocked on the door. And guess who answered it? REBEKAH.
"Amber!" She screamed. "Rebekah!" l screamed back. She hugged me tightly almost not letting me breath. l hugged back but not that tight.
"Klaus! Elijah! Looks whose here!!!" She squealed. l laughed. "So Bekah, what have you been up to these 200 years?" l asked. "Well l was daggered until 2 years ago," She shrugged. "Lemme guess. Klaus?" l stated. She nodded.
"Klaus!" Bekah screamed. "Stop your screaming dear sister, its rather getting annoying" Klaus said walking into the room.

"Amber!" He smiled. "Klaus!" l yelled and hugged him. He hugged back. "Whats with the commotion down here" Elijah said walking down the stairs. When he spotted me he smiled and opened his arms for a hug. "Elijah!" l screamed as l hugged him.
We let go. "So Klaus. l heard you daggered Rebekah." l said and raised my eyebrows. He nodded. "Were did you hear that, love?" he asked. "From a little birdie.." l sang.
"Come on lets sit down and talk" Bekah said and dragged me towards the couch. Klaus and Elijah followed behind.
"So what have you been up to these years?" Klaus said as he sat down next to me. "Well killed people, tortured people, drank, sleep, eat, drive and repeat until l got bored" l simply said.
"Ah yes l heard 50 years ago you turned off your humanity and became ripper" Klaus said. "Yes. l turned it back 20 years later. Still have it on tho" l said and shrugged.
My phone began ringing. Damon.
"What?!?!" l snapped.
"Well l just wanted to see where you were no need to snap at me like that" Damon defended himself.
"Yea well l told you not to call" l said.
"So where are you?"
"Friends house. Okay? Bye" l almost hung up.
"How are you?"
"Why the hell do you want to-" l cut myself off feeling someone doing magic against me. l closed my eyes and ignored Damon asking me whats wrong. The witch was Bonnie. To bad she wasn't strong enough. l did a mental spell which didn't allow her to locate me.
"Damon! Why is your bloody witch trying to find me?!?!?"
"We want to now where you are"
"If you try something like that again, l will snap your neck multiple times than when l am done l will throw you in a pool of vervain take your sunlight ring off and make you burn in the sun. Then l will put the ring back on until you heal then take it back off and do it multiple times. Then l will personally rip your heart out and shove it down your throat" l said and hung up.
When l hung up Rebekah started laughing her head off along with the rest. l soon joined. We all sobered up.
"Oh Amber can you pretty please stay over. We can have a sleepover!" She squealed. l laughed. "Of course. Lemma just go to my house and l will be back in 10 mins. If l am not you should probably come looking for me" l said and flashed out of the house.
l got to the Boarding House and the whole gang was here. Great. Whatever.
So me being me. Not wanting to get caught climbed in through my window. l got some pjs and some an outfit for tomorrow along with makeup. l put it in a bag and jumped out of the window.
"Pjs also in the comments)
*Back at the Mikaelson Mansion*
"Honey l am home!" l screamed as l entered. There was a gush of wind that appeared in front of me. Rebekah. "Thank god Amber, l was about to go to Salvatore's and kick some ass" She said.
l smiled. "Lets go" she dragged me towards her room.
We went to sleep like at 2 in the morning. We had a pillow fight with Klaus and Elijah.

She doesn't live with the Salvatores. She has a house next to Klaus mansion.
Her on the side.


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