Chapter 2: Special Job

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I slid off the railing and landed on the wooden floor and followed the old man into his office. 

"You wanted to see me, Gramps?" I asked after I closed to the door behind me and took a seat in front of the master. 

"Yes my child, now the council-" I cut him off.

"The Council? This can't be good," I sighed.

He chuckled," Let me finish," He scolded me, "The Council wants me to send one of my strongest guild members to help them with a job," He smiled. I tilted my head slightly. 

"The council is calling us for some help? That's new," I was surprised considering the reputation Fairy Tail has, "Who asked exactly?" I questioned.

"Captain Lahar sent out the request." He answered, "They just can't seem to get close to the enemy," he let out a sigh.

"Man, they must be that strong then," I let out a nervous chuckle, "When do I depart?" After asking there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Gramps granted. The door opens to reveal a man in a Council uniform. "My, my I didn't expect you to get here so soon Captain," Gramps smiled, the man was tall and had long black hair pulled back, "I would like you to meet the member I have chosen for this mission" He gestured towards me. The captain followed his hand moments before his purple eyes landed on me. 

"Hello Sir, My name is Y/n L/n," I smiled at him. He looked a bit perplexed and worried. He looked back at the master.  

"I don't want to be rude or anything Master Makarov but this girl is just a child," Gramps laughed, Lahar didn't seem to find anything amusing. I was kinda offended by that remark. 

"No need  to worry Captain but she has tricks up her sleeves that may surprise you." Makarov grinned. Lahar looked at me once again and sighed. 

"I'll take your word Master Makarov." Lahar smiled slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n. I apologize for my rudeness from before," I grinned at him and stood up from my chair. 

"It's fine! Shall we go now?" I asked and he nodded his head. As we were walking out of Gramps office, I looked back at him, " Bye Bye Gramps!" I waved him goodbye. He waved back at me and smiled. I looked down at the guild below, it was so quiet...and dead....this isn't my guild hall. We walked down the stairs and I couldn't help but stiff a laugh. 

"What's so funny?" Lahar asked after we left the guild. 

"I just find it funny how the Guild got so quiet," I responded, "I almost didn't recognize it when we left," I laughed, He laughed a little with me.

"Is that so?" I nodded my head, "Oh before I forget," I looked at him, "What type of Magic do you use?" Lahar asked.

"I use Elemental Dragon Slayer magic," I grinned looking up at him. 

"Dragon Slayer magic huh... How can someone as young as you learn such ancient magic?" He questioned. I chuckled, he gave me a questionable look. 

"If I were to tell you, you wouldn't believe me," I shrugged my shoulders.

"What does that mean?" He questioned. 

 "I mean I am just a 'child' after all." I mocked him slightly. He rolled his eyes at my mockery of him. He didn't seem too pleased with that. 

"Haha very funny," he responded sarcastically, "Will I ever get an answer?" he asked

"Depends if you'll believe me or not," he let out a low hum, "I was raised by a dragon. She was wonderful. Shoshi was her name and she was the Elemental Dragon, she was also my mother," I looked up at the sky with a sad smile on my face, " She taught me how to use Elemental Dragon Slayer magic, she taught me a lot of things," I looked forward again, "She disappeared one day and hasn't been back since," I exhaled. Lahar placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked over at him and he held a gentle smile on his face.

"I'm sure she is very proud of you," I grinned at him and nodded my head, the rest of the way to the train station was silent. When we made it there I couldn't help but groan slightly, "What's the matter?" The captain asked.

"Haha so um at the cost of being a Dragon Slayer," just thinking about getting on a train started to make me feel sick, "We get motion sickness and it can get bad," I laughed nervously scratching the back of my head. He was rendered speechless, "It's okay though! I'll just be really nauseous and dizzy. I know how to handle it," we walked onto the train and went to a private cart. As soon as the train started to move I started to feel the motion sickness kick in. We were sitting across from one another and he looked a bit worried. He opened the window to let some air in for me. I was slumped down onto the seat, I was 100% out of commission. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" He questioned me, I gave him a week thumbs up and nodded my head. 

Halfway through this hell ride, the train stops abruptly making me fall forward off the seat and onto the train cart floor with a thud. Lahar crouched down next to me.

"Y/n are you alright?" There was worry in his voice. It took me a few seconds to realize we stopped... We stopped! I shot up and got onto my feet.

"It wasn't that bad-" I was cut off by the sound of screaming from the cart ahead of us. "The hell," I muttered looking over at the man. He looked just as confused as I was. We ran to the cart ahead of us and saw a man standing there holding a woman hostage. Lahar was about to say something but I covered his mouth and whispered in his ear, "Let me handle this,"I said looking into his eyes with all seriousness. He looked back at me then nodded. I walked up to the man with a smile on my face.

He looked up at me then let go of the woman and grabbed me. Lahar was about to interfere when I shook my head at him, a smile still on my face. I started to give off a large amount of magic energy. "The hell-"  the man muttered and loosened his grip on me, I elbowed him in his stomach making him let go, "You can't beat me girly." he jumped back away from me. 

"Who the hell are you calling girly,"My smile faded at the comment. The fight was over in an instant. I ran up to him and with a simple punch to the face he was down for the count. Larhar and a few other members of the Council came up behind me. They placed cuffs on the man and that was that. For some reason Shoshi came back into my mind. I turned around and walked back to the cart that I was riding in. Lahar soon followed after me. 

"Y/n are you alright?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about my mother that's all," I smiled at him, "I just miss her. The last thing I have of her is this blanket made from her scales," I pulled the blanket from the bag I brought with me to show him, "The last thing I head from her was an 'I love you' before she vanished,"  I folded the blanket back up and placed it back in my bag. 

Lahar leaned forward and patted my head with a smile, he didnt say anything, but he didnt have to. Soon enough the train started to move again and I immediately became motion sick. 

"H-how long before we get t-to our destination..?" I slumped forward feeling my self getting sick again.

"About 2 hours," Lahar responded rubbing my back in a comforting manor. I only groaned knowing this was going to be a long train ride. 


Trust me will meet rogue soon I promise

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