Stolen Kisses

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This chapter is dedicated to all the people in the comment thread that made this fic happen. You all will hate it.

James stoked Sev's long black hair, and kissed his boyfriend passionately, gazing into his eyes. The two boys had been secretly dating for about two years now, not even Sirius knew, and he was James's best friend... excluding Sev of course.

The two boys kept up the fighting charade in public, but in private, well... Sev had always craved affection, and the hazel eyed boy was more than happy to provide it.

   "I kind of like you" Sev began, nuzzling into his boyfriend, who replied with "oh really?"
"A little bit... maybe..."
"Well I love you"
"More fool you"
James laughed, his hand teasing its way through Sev's hair, occasionally yanking on a black lock. It had been a long day, and all the two of  them wanted to do was cuddle together, and that is exactly what they did.

Unfortunately at that exact moment, an owl decided to claw its way through the bed curtains to deliver a letter to the Gryffindor.
Which completely ruined the mood.
Sev groaned, and batted at the owl, jealous of the attention it was getting from HIS boyfriend. Unfortunately James was far to interested in the package Sirius had sent him for Sev's liking, and the raven haired boy sulked on the end of the bed, much to the others amusement.
"Come and look at this, Sev" he began, while the Slytherin glared at the floor,
"Sirius sent me some fags, you want one?"
Sev looked up sharply,
"I don't smoke, and I don't like Sirius!"
"Aww, c'mon, everyone likes Sirius."
"Well I don't"
The two boys sat in silence for a moment, and James lit a cigarette, slowly breathing in nicotine. He wondered what would happen when they both left Hogwarts and their relationship couldn't be him sneaking into the Slytherin dorms or Sev meeting him behind the quidditch stands. He and Sirius had plans... Remus, Peter, Sirius, and him all had plans to stay together, and none of them knew about Sev and him. They all still enjoyed pranking him and teasing him. They all thought he still had a thing for Evans.
Severus looked at his boyfriend, and wondered how much longer it would take for his boyfriend to want to join the dark lord, abandon these frivolities... if he ever would. The boy wanted nothing more than to climb into his boyfriends reassuring arms, but he already knew that they weren't destined to last.
James would marry Lily or Marlene or someone... he would marry some pure blood of his own house. This was a school day romance, and Sev was already far deeper in than he should have been.

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