The bithday girl pt.2

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We walked down the stairs. To be greeted by my mother. "You girls look beautiful." She says. We smile and group hug. I hate group hugs. Mainly cause my claustrophobia.

We load into the car. Heading to the diner. I can't believe I'm 18. It goes silent. A comfortable silence. And in that silence I can't help but to think about those gorgeous eyes. Those hazel green eyes. I could get lost in them. That were like a complicated puzzle I was determined to put back together.

We walk into the diner and sit at our table. Dad orders champagne. I know fancy but he said when I was 18 he would allow me to have a glass. I feel like a grown up. I ordered the chicken Alfredo. The girls ordered spaghetti. My dad ordered steak and potatoes and my mother ordered chicken and mixed veggies. Eww.

After dinner we went home and had a movie night we watched my favorite movies. Had popcorn and candy. I had an amazing day. Little did I know this was going to be a horrible age at the start.

I sat in math zoning out. When I suddenly froze. My muscles started to ache and tighten. Then my arm popped out of place. Thank god no one noticed except one person. Darius. My bones started breaking. "Oh shit." I whispered running out of the classroom. Again no one noticed. Darius ran after me. Before I could even blink I was in the woods behind the school. I didn't question it as I was in agonizing pain. It was coursing through me in waves. All my bones were breaking memory's of the day I was born flooding in my brain. Before I knew it I was. Short? I look down to see paws. Navy blue almost black paws. Paws?
'Yes as you are a werewolf a royal may I add. Hello I'm Nadia your wolf.'
'Hello. So I'm a wolf?'
'Yes. And that very sexy man is out mr mate.' I nod somehow already know what a mate was. Ok. I look up at the hazel green eyes man as he smiled down at me. I shifted back thank god still in my clothes. 'Its a royal thing!' Nadia says. I smile. "Your beautiful." He says. I smile bigger blushing. "Thanks! You are very handsome." I say. He hugs me. Sparks flying through my body. I had to hold back a moan. Happy late birthday to me. 

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