Chapter 1

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Snigdha's pov
       Walking towards the light in a deserted street watching here and their so, that I can satisfy my logging ness towards what even I don't know but I keep searching in the lane which is pitch dark still I keep searching for what? Suddenly it started to rain which was feeling like heaven. Someone has embraced me into a warm and soothing hug adding to my heavenly ness. I felt protected, on cloud nine but within minutes I felt as if I was jerked away and thrown from the cliff of the mountain    
        I got up with a jolt from my peaceful slumber with my mysterious dream. I checked the time it was still 4:00am heaving a sign of irritation I got down from my bed and stood near the window beside my bed near to my wardrobe, leaning on to it I was enjoying the view of full moon which was giving me peace which was I really in need. After few minutes I started to sketch, I tried to sketch my dream but I was not able to. I droped the idea of sketching and settled with listening to music from my all time favourite music director Raja sir who soothes my heart with the spellbound music,with that I drifted into my Lalala land.
       "Snigu" "snigdha" I could hear my  amma's yell from the other side of my room door. I got up from my swing and started to curse my self because I was getting late to my college. In swift I got ready in my knee length blue umbrella cut top and white legging. I loosely plaited my hair and placed a botu (a round sticker which is placed between the eyebrows a traditional custom followed in SouthIndia) applied kajal and left my room by taking my bag which consists of my books, a novel and few chocolates. When I entered the kitchen my amma was humming a telugu song chinni chinni asha song which is one of my favourite song even I joined her in singing,she noticed my presence and smiled at me and we both continued our anthyakshari until we heard my Nana's voice from the dinning room to stop our crazy stuff and serve them breakfast. We both being our self's did not stop our so called concert and continued to irritate my Nana and Anna(elder brother's are referred as Anna or annaya in telugu language). Later we had idli as breakfast and left to our respective works. My Nana(father) is a government employee in BSNL(Barath Sanchar Nigham Limited), my Anna has completed his Mtech and persuading his phd and last but not least my amma is a home maker.
         Soon I was on my way to the college which is 12 kilometres away from my home so I go by public transport it almost takes one and half hour to reach which tires me so my family has suggested for a moped but I clearly declined it because I very well know if I drive, the very next movement either I will be in a hospital or jail because I suffer from vehophobia. Not only that but I also enjoy myself in the public transport because in hyderabad you can clearly enjoy your journey in public transport you will come to know about many things such as politics the senior citizens who find a companion will surely discusses conductor Anna's   comments on this generation on how this generation is no one listens to anyone and so on and on.
I don't know about others but I enjoy my bus journey I do have regular entertainment.
       Soon getting down at my stop I started walking towards my college which is 15minutes away from the stop, as I was walking something caught my attention a man was playing happily with the road side kid  I am not judging him but the kid is a beggar and also  he belongs to the begging mafia gang. Yes I know him because on my fist day of the college I have seen him because he was the one who has saved me from a street dog and till date he humiliates me and also scares me by saying "akka akada kuka vundhi pilavamantava" (sister their is a street dog should I call it). From then he is like chota companion from my stop to the college he irritates me but still I like him by now I know every thing about that kid. I wish I could help him because the kid is forced to beg every day he has this specific target to collect the money and handover it to his boss other wise he will not be given his night meal which is the only meal he gets. Chotu is very happy right now because I can see his genuine smile after many days. I mentally thanked the guy who was playing with Chotu. Waving at Chotu I moved on my way to my college. I was feeling reluctant to move from their as if my feet got stuck to the ground with fevicol it was strange feeling half heartedly I moved from there. Soon I reached my college which is one of the best women's college in twin cities, my professors are the best in what they do and also in encouraging us I am an above average student who only prefer not to be notified by everyone because I am an introvert and can't easily by go with everyone. In our we generally talk to everyone but I am really close to hari priya and shruti we three together met at our convocation day and immediately became friends hari is from B. Sc(microbiology biochemistry chemistry) shruthi and I are in the same course that is B. Sc(biotechnology biochemistry chemistry). Now presently we are in our second year by God's grace and our hard work we have done good in our both semesters. Finally our classes were done I bid bye to my friends and started to my home on my way Chotu met me "hi akka why were you late in the morning" he asked me yes,he has my schedule when I come and go because he is my Chotu companion from college to stop and vise versa. "Hi Chotu yes I was late because got up late". "hahaahaa akka always lazy bones". I pulled his cheeks and said "haaa avunu mari" mean while pulling our each other legs we reached my stop and settled on the bench "Akka today I got a new Friend do you know" chotu asked me "yes I have seen some guy playing with you in the morning is it he is your new friend" I asked in a curious way even I don't know why. "Yes akka he is my new friend his name veera when I called him Anna he said I want be your friend so no Anna buddy call me veera or what ever favours you" chotu said to me. I just hummed as an answer because I felt he was truly a different one. Then chotu continued "akka he also said me that from tomorrow he will teach me to play guitar so that in future I can earn my living and not to beg" I was stunned by his statement.

Hiii everyone
This is my first book, I am really happy to write my first book.
If at all you feel like I need improve or you wanted to suggest me please feel free to comment and if you like my work do vote me.
Thank you dearies 😍😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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