Call me Dime

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Asajj Ventress spoke to the shaky blue holographic image of her Master.

"I've brought Jabba's son to the abandoned monastery. He will be – " She paused for dramatic effect, "safe here."

"Good, good. Everything is going as planned." Count Dooku said.

"Yes, my Lord." Ventress agreed. Her eyes widened as another image joined the chat. Immediately recognising The Emperor, Ventress knelt.

"Soon the Jedi will not only be at war with you, Count," the Emperor rasped, "but the Hutt Clan as well."


(Rex's POV)

I received the hand signal from my men, and turned to relay the information to General Skywalker, who was shadowed by a strange small child. She had a lightsaber at her hip – a Jedi Youngling.

"What's the status, Rex?" He asked me.

"Quiet for now, Sir. They're gearing up for another assault." I said. My eyes turned to the Youngling. She was so tiny, her stature screaming vulnerability. I couldn't believe the Jedi had sent a child to a battlefield. Times must be getting desperate. My curiosity overwhelmed me.

"Who's the Youngling?" I asked, directly. The girl turned on me.

"I'm Master Skywalker's Padawan." She said, gesturing towards herself. "The name's Ahsoka Tano." My eyes flicked to the General suspiciously.

"Sir, I thought you said you'd never have a Padawan."

"There's been a mix up. The Youngling isn't with me." The General explained in one breath. The 'Padawan' pulled her eyebrows together in frustration.

"Stop calling me that! You're stuck with me, Skyguy." She said. I recoiled in surprise. She's certainly a feisty one – a good match for the General if ever I saw one. I chuckled behind my hand, obviously not quietly enough, as the General shot me an irritated look before addressing the Youngling.

"What did you just call me?" He asked, incredulous of the gall of the girl. Without waiting for her to answer, he launched into a lecture. "Don't get snippy with me, Little One. You know, I don't even think you're old enough to be a Padawan."

"Well maybe I'm not. But Master Yoda thinks I am." She sniped back. It did little to stop the General.

"Well, you're not with Master Yoda now so if you're ready, you better start proving it." He gestured towards me. "Captain Rex will show you how a little respect will go a long way."

I grimaced for a second, before masking my annoyance. This was his way at getting back at me for laughing at him.

"Errr, right." I smiled at her. "Come on, Youngling."

"Padawan." She said through her teeth, as she followed me through the racks of armaments.


(Dime's POV)

After Ahsoka and Master Skywalker had left, Master Kenobi and I talked for a couple of minutes, before moving towards the holo-map. Master Kenobi was getting me up to date with the details of the operation, and the false-victory, when his Clone Captain walked up.

"Ah, yes, Captain Cody this is my new Padawan Dime Janada." My Master introduced. I nodded towards the Captain, unsure as to how to great him. Do I shake his hand? I decided against it, and just uttered a quick hello.

"Um, hi, Padawan."

"Feel free to call me Dime," I said, quickly adding an "if you want" to the end.

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