-Y/N's POV-
*One Week After*
Once I was actually allowed to leave the hospital, I became more attached to Finn.
Not in that fangirl kind of way, but something, I don't know.. More.
But then I remembered.
This was just a one-time thing. My mom was already packing up our stuff so we could go back home, once we got to the hotel.
"Mom, can't I say goodbye to Finn?" I stood in her way so she couldn't put some clothes away.
"I.. I don't know." She had become more.. protective than ever. Over-protective. I loved my mom and all, but didn't she understand?
Of course not.
I grabbed her hands.
She sighed and looked into my eyes for a minute, thinking it over.
Eventually, she nodded. That was when I smiled and rushed out the door.
Like I said before.. I felt a lot different with Finn than I had before. We had something, and honestly.. I wasn't afraid to admit it.
I was in love with him.
I am not just a fangirl anymore. I'm something.. maybe much worse.
*Finn's Hotel*
I got to the hotel and stared at the big building for a minute. Yes, some of this would Always feel like an unbelievable dream, but I knew deep down, that it was real.
The man working at the front desk was on his computer, typing up a storm.
"E-excuse me? Hi, I'm uh.. Y/N L/N, and I'm here to see my boyfriend Finn.."
The man laughed.
"First of all, Wolfhard? Yeah, nice try. And second, he left. He's not staying at this hotel anymo-"
For a second, everything went mute.
Did he really leave me.. without saying Goodbye?
He would never do that.
This must've been some kind of joke, or I was at the wrong hotel.
These thoughts kept rushing through my head.
Snap out of it!! Hellloooooo?! Wake up!!
I was kind of confused.
I eventually snapped out of it.
"HELLO?!" The man said snapping his fingers in my face. It must've been him, that I had heard. "Get the hell out of my hotel before I call fucking security!!" He yelled.
That set me off. I may have been upset, but he made it 10 times worse.
"Stop being an asshole!!" I yelled as loud I thought I possibly could and grabbed that stupid bell that everyone uses and threw it at him. "Clean up your attitude on floor number 9, bitch." I stormed out of the hotel and started running.
I didn't care where I was running to, just as long as I was farther away from everything that made me feel worse than I already was.
Just the thought of Finn leaving me, in general, gave me this feeling. Like rocks were sinking to the bottom of my stomach and my eyes became glossed over with tears.
I stopped at our hotel, but sat down. No one was really around, so I let it out. Tears fell from my eyes.
He told me he loved me.
That made everything worse.
Loud sobs escaped my mouth and felt people were watching me, but I didn't care.
They want to videotape me?
Send it to some other show?
*A few hours later*
The way home was quiet.
I kept my thoughts rushing through my head.
I was afraid of being left alone to think.
I love you... I don't care if I've known you 2 days. That was all I needed." He whispered against my lips.
Our lips fitted so perfectly together.
"I love you too." I answered back.
I felt my eyes begin to burn again.
Luckily we were home already.
I threw all of my bags on my floor and laid down on my bed. Jingles cuddled up next to me and I cried once again.
But I was interrupted by my parents calling me downstairs.
I wiped my face and ran down the stairs.. carefully.
They were standing by the door.
"Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly, and looked at them back and forth.
"There's someone here to see you.." My mom said.
"A friend." My dad continued for her.
I immediately thought of Carter.
"I don't want any company right now." I started back to my room.
"Y/N, just answer the damn door." My dad said. I looked at him in shock. I had to listen to what he said anyways.
I opened the front door, and I started babbling.
"Carter, I don't want any company right no-" I stopped talking and realized it wasn't Carter.
It was,
Finn Wolfhard.
"Hiya neighbor!" He said and smiled lightly.
I really hope you enjoyed this story guys!!
It was the best one I've ever written!
And I wanna thank you guys so much for the support!!
But, don't worry!!
I said there would be a sequal!!
As Always,
Stay Bitchin'

The Ellen Show {Finn Wolfhard X Reader}
Fanfiction"You l-look beautiful, I have to say.." He blushed lightly and I could still tell. There it was again. The fading. ❤️❤️