Chapter 3: Introductions

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Chapter 3: Introductions (Atsumori POV)

I was introduced to Kumagai in my uncle's house. There was a meeting among grown-ups within the inner villa, and thus I was sent out to the garden porch. When I was sitting down on the cool wooden floor facing the garden, I took out my flute and started playing. I tried to create something new and lively, but it seemed that the music refuses to come to me. Finally, I decided to give up, so I stared blankly towards the garden, grazing my feet above the soft, damp grass.

There were footsteps behind me. I could hear the slapping of thin rubber soles approaching. It wasn't the soft shuffling of servants, nor the limping clap of Harada-jii-chan; it was too noisy to be that of a family member's. It must be a visitor. I contemplated on standing up and greeting whoever was there, but decided not to. I decided to just wait and ignore the presence of the person. He'd probably just think I was stupid or ignorant if I did so.

But then, the footsteps did not stop. I could feel the floor vibrating five steps from my back. Then I realized that there were two long shadows that loomed from behind me. I turned back, and saw silent-footed Reizo-nii-chan and the lion youth who arrived a few days before in front of my house.

"Ah, Good morning. I didn't hear you, nii-chan. " I bowed first to my older cousin then to the lion youth. I noted that the lion youth had a questioning look on his face.

"Good morning, Atsu-chan." Reizo-nii looked at me, his smile widening. "Me and Kumagai were just talking about you. This...." he pointed at the lion youth. "is Kumagai." I stared at the lion youth, now given a name, and bowed at him.

"Ahhh..." Reizo said, grinning. "You don't bow to Kumagai. He's below you. He's only the son of Minamoto's vassal." I looked back at Reizo, then to Kumagai. Kuma.... bear, not a lion, a bear. Kumagai caught my eye, then bowed.

"As I was saying..." Reizo continued. "Kumagai is really in awe of your flute playing skills. If it would be fine with you, could you play us a tune? Try the one you wrote last harvest festival. I like that, it was good." I hurried to pick up my flute, then I looked at Kumagai, who was still a stranger back then. He nodded. I played.


I was mistaken. At first, I thought Kumagai was a large scary man, but it turned out that he was not so. He was attentive, kind, and sometimes, awfully blunt. But over-all, he was noble of spirit and good-natured, which I believe is judgment enough for the personality he possesses.

Kumagai came from Heian-kyo to Suma because his Lord, Minamoto, needed to speak with my uncle regarding court matters. He was barred from entering the meeting because they needed someone standby at the doors, and because Kumagai was not that senior a vassal yet. While he was straining to hear conversation, which sadly, did not pass through the walls; he met with Reizo-nii, whom he knew from when they worked together to serve the shogun for one year. They spoke about all sorts of things until Kumagai brought up the topic of seeing me play the flute. This was related to me by Reizo-nii, while Kumagai and I were drinking tea by the Tea Room. I am flattered by the way Kumagai thinks of my music, which I believe is nothing much compared to the songs of the woodsmen from the north and the fishermen of the south.


"Could you teach me how to play the flute?" Kumagai asked. I was surprised. It was not common in the behavior of a man vying for a position in the nobility to want to learn how to play instruments. Instruments were for lowly folk, courtesans, and bards who roamed around. A noble warrior playing a flute sounds like a joke. I didn't know what to answer.

"If you couldn't then I wouldn't force you. It's fine." Kumagai said, noticing I remained silent. "But could you play for me again?" Reizo was slumped on the table, snoring. The meeting should have ended half an hour ago, but Kumagai still hasn't left. He seemed to be very interested in my flute-playing skills. Then I heard the soft drizzle outside, the gentle beat of rain, and saw Kumagai's eyes, seemingly beseeching me.

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