Don nodded as he zipped the baby back up. "Yes, she has; we just thought she was feeling our stressed. The only time she has been out of our arms is when we were in the car and have been eating dinner when she was sleeping."

"Your son?" Dr. Thompson asked as he looked Margaret over.

Meryl sighed. "He's been fussy as well; but they kind of feed off each other. When one is upset so is the other."

"They're already best friends." Don was trying not to overreact at the doctor's tone. "How is our baby girl?"

The doctor nodded. "I want to do a few things. I'll be back. Don't leave."

"Don!" Meryl turned to Don when the doctor left. "Did you see the look on his face? Hear his tone?"

Don sighed as he nodded. "Sweetheart, we have NOTHING to hide. We didn't think she was hurt. Just scared like we all were. Where the marks are wouldn't show when we were changing her. As soon as we saw it we brought her in. Now, had she been screaming her head off? Of course we would have brought her in sooner. She's just been fussy like anyone would be after what she went through at such a young age. Thank goodness she won't remember this."

"I will." Meryl choked. "We will."

Don nodded. "I know, baby. We just need to try to keep the babies calm; and ourselves as well. When he comes back in we can't let on we're scared. If we do then he might think we're hiding something. I know it's hard. But in this day and age? Unfortunately, more and more parents are abusing their children so they have to do their do diligence."

"You're right." Meryl said taking a deep breath. "I just want to get them home and lock the freaking doors."

Don nodded sadly. "Me too, baby, me too."


"Mr. and Mrs. Gummer." Dr. Thompson said walking back into the room with 3 other people.

Don knew what was happening."What's going on? Does it take this many people to check out our baby girl?"

"Mr. Gummer, when a child, especially one as young as Margaret, comes in with marks like she has we have to investigate." Dr. Thompson explained. "It's protocol."

Mery burst into tears; images of her passing out while Henry was only 8 months old because she hadn't been eating flashed into her memory. She remembered being terrified that he would be taken from them since she blacked out while tending to him; and Don reassuring her just as he was doing now. That fear was back and it was paralyzing. It turned her into a puddle now just as it did 32 years earlier. "You're taking them from us? We would NEVER EVER hurt them! We have fought harder for these two babies than you could ever possibly know. Yes, we're not perfect parents. But we have NEVER hurt ANY of our children. To hurt poor defenseless babies who we have BOTH risked our lives for? No way in hell. I am NOT leaving them."

"Sweetheart, we didn't do anything wrong." Don was trying hard not to lose his cool; he knew what she was remembering, he was too. No matter how much he assured Meryl back then, he was still terrified; just as he was then. "Why would we bring her in if we hurt her? You have NO idea what we both have risked for our babies or how damn much we love them. We both are constantly making sure their diapers aren't on too tight or their skin isn't being pinched by zippers or fasteners. They are in every room we are in. They are barely out of our arms. We do NOT abuse our children."

"Mr. Gummer, it's protocol." A soft spoken woman said. "My name is Carol Weber from Child Protective Services and I am here to watch your babies. I promise you they will be perfectly safe with me."

Meryls tarted crying harder. "You are taking them away from us."

"Like hell they are." Don said getting upset. "The DA of Manhattan is our lawyer and my best friend. I will have him here so fast..."

Endings and BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora