Chapter 1

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Safa's POV

"Yes Sir ! I will make sure of that" Safa said and left the office. 

Ya Allah make it easy for me ! Finally my dream is becoming true. Today I am flying for the first time as an Air stewed.  I can't believe my dream is accomplished  after all the obsitcals.....

"Hey! " I heard then I saw Ash is looking at me and waiting at the Airport terminal.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"I was saying there is new pilot who is young and handsome " Ash said.

" You will never change " I said and rolled my eyes.

"You are so weird " Ash said.

"I know girl, say something new ! " I said and kept checking my insta before boarding to the flight. 

"Are you excited! " Ash asked. 

"Yes very much ! " I said and smiled.

"I know ! First time is always special, " Ash said.

" So What is Aunty saying ? " Ash asked.

" She is happy that I completed my dream ! and now she is reminding of the promise which I made ! " I said

And looked at the key tag which I got from my Dad on my 18th Birthday. It's a letter S with mini passport and Flight. He is my biggest support.  And because if him I am standing her with My degree and dream job. I am glad I am flying to Dubai. I can visit him in my first journey.

"Hey girl come on ! Don't carry that face around you should be proud you made it ! "Ash almost shouted.

"Why everytime you have to shout ? This is airport not Railway station. " I said annoyed. 

"Because you suddenly goes out of this world and I have tried talking to you slowly but you never listen " Ash said.

"Ash ! I am telling you for last time ... I was talking then Suddenly I bumped into wall.

But I felt two hands on my shoulder.  Then I realised it's not a wall but a human. I bumped into an another human like me with two hands.  Or more like that person bumped into me. Because I was standing and talking, then how ?.

"I am sorry ! " I said and looked up and saw two pairs of brown eyes looking at me.

I quickly looked down and still the hands are on my shoulder so I moved back and turned around to walk away. My bad luck ! The handbag zip got hooked to his suitcase tag and I tried to remove but couldn't so I pulled it and kept moving towards the counter to get checked. And get into the plane.

" wow ! Did you saw that ! " Ash almost shouted again.

I turned and gave her look to keep her mouth shut. That worked well but not for long.

"Smile !" Ash shouted.

when I was about to reach to the plane and the I saw pbone is on her hand. And I knew she is capturing the golden moment in my life. The first step towards my dream. I smiled and took my first step by saying.  "Bismillah " for the new begging. 

I was in charge of economy class with another girl. Who is also new. Ash is working for 2 year and she is upgraded to Bussniss class 2 months ago. So she is not around me to shout at me or make me annoyed.

Ash and me are best buddies.  We both are collage friends. We met 6 years ago in Delhi. And from there to today we been best friends following same dream. She joined airlines two years ago and I took two years but finally here. Where I dreamed to be.

Meeting at the Airport Where stories live. Discover now