Chapter 2:First Mission

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‘You said if you could fly

You would leave all this far behind you

And soar off to the sky

So blue, so blue, that sky so blue

The sadness and pain that you've learnt me to feel

Are holding me tight

My prayers echo through night

If only I could tell these feelings to you with my words

But they choke me down so much it hurts

As you awake

From your dreamy state in to this world

So cruel and cold

You want to spread your wings and take off for a flight

You said if you could fly

You would leave all this far behind you

And soar off to the sky

So blue, so blue, that sky so blue

If there's a place for us, you’d take me with you

So blue, so blue, that sky so blue’

My voice carried off into the forest as we continued to walk.

It had been 2 months and we had been traveling around.

We didn’t stop in any towns or any secret bases just wondered around.

Although I know he would never admit it, me and Tobi-sama had gained a fairly close relationship.

‘Were did you here that song from?’ he asked me as we walked making me grin.

‘I wrote it about a dream I had.’ I smiled making him look at me quizzically… well at least I thought he was.

‘What was this dream about?’ he asked.

I smiled softly as I looked at the beautiful clear sky.

The sky I had been dreaming off for years. Even after seeing it every day for 2 months I still believed it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

‘I have it almost every night. The same dream. I’m staring up at the most beautiful blue sky and a man sits beside me. He has miss matched eyes and the most serene smile on his face.  As i look into his eye I find myself locked in a cage. Every things dark, I’m cold and scared…..trapped….I look up to see the same man opening my cage and setting me free. When I step out I fall, as I look up I can’t help but smile at the sky the same as the one from the beginning. The man then appears again in my dream as he catches me before I hit the earth. I use to be scared every time I fell, but now I know that my saviour will always catch me.’ I smiled fondly as I vividly picture my dream.

Tobi-sama listens intently before he stands up grunting.

‘It’s time to move’

‘Hai Tobi-Sama!’

2yrs later (8 years old)


‘Hai Tobi-sama.’

‘I have a mission for you, this will be a test of your skill’s do not make me remind you about the consequences if you fail.’

‘Of course Tobi-sama!’ I smiled as I stood up and followed after him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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