"Ayo No Jam hyung, what's up?" I laughed seeing Chaeyoung's confused expression.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Chaeyoung asked out of nowhere.

I choked so hard on my coffee, that I accidentally spit it all over Chaeyoung.

"Jeez, I was just asking" Chaeyoung said wiping her face in annoyance.

"Sorry. Anyways, this is Momo, my new classmate" I said and pointed at her.

"Nice to meet you Momo, I'm Chaeyoung; Jeongyeon's best friend" Chaeyoung introduced herself and bowed.

"Great to meet you Chaeyoung, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you guys" Momo said and actually started sounding a little happy.

"Wait till you've met Dahyun, she'll make you question your knowle-"

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"Don't talk like that to her, you're just jealous that Dahyun is smarter than you" I scolded Chaeyoung for making Dahyun look bad.

Momo just chuckled at us.

"It seems like you guys have a great relationship" Momo stated.

"Yeah, we're No Jam Bros" Chaeyoung said proudly.

Then the bell rang.

"See you guys later" Chaeyoung said and went to her class.

Momo and I went to our class as well.

When the day reached the end, I saw Momo packing her stuff tiredly. My eyes were following her as she exited the school. I hurriedly approached her and started walking beside her as she was heading home.

"You look a little tired" I said looking at her while walking.

"Yeah..." she answered with a disconsolate voice while looking down.

Her tone and expression made the atmosphere seem lonely. I felt like there was no happiness or love in her world. I felt miserable while looking at her.

Silence was floating around us the whole time we had walked. Momo didn't look like she was in mood for talking.

We had arrived at her apartment, and surprisingly, it was the same exact apartment as mine.

"What a coincidence huh?" I said in amazement.

"Yeah, I'm quite surprised" she answered.

We entered the apartment building to find Momo's room. Momo was struggling to find her number, so I helped her out.

"Where is my room supposed to be?" Momo looked confusingly around.

"Let me see. Hmm, it looks like you're supposed to be in room 4"  I said looking at her room information card.

"Oh wait a second. That's the same room as me. Heol!" I said looking bewildered at her.

"Well, that was another coincidence. You know, I don't have enough money to rent a whole room for myself" Momo said shyly.

"It's okay. I've lived alone the past year, you can share with me" I said giving her a joyful smile.

We went to my room and I told Momo to make herself home.

"Wow, you have such a clean room. I'm actually really messy though" Momo squealed.

"It's okay, just unpack your things, I'll make food while you do that"

I went to cook some ramyeon for us. It was already getting late, so it was kind of a late dinner. While I waited for the ramyeon to finish, I texted Chaeyoung.

No Jam bro no. 2 : Heol, it's almost 6 pm and Dahyun wants me to buy groceries. Can you believe that?

Lmao what happened? : No Jam bro no. 1

No Jam bro no. 2 : I got a detention......again T.T

My god, how long was this detention even? : No Jam bro no. 1

No Jam bro no. 2 : THREE GODDAMN HOURS!!

What stupid thing did you do this time? Pabo ya -.- : No Jam bro no. 1

No Jam bro no. 2 : Shut up, I didn't do anything

Well, I've never heard anyone getting a detention without a reason :/ : No Jam bro no. 1

No Jam bro no. 2 : Ugh, I was just late for class.....

Oh, I see : No Jam bro no. 1

No Jam bro no. 2 : g2g Dahyun is calling me, I better hurry tf up. Bye hyung.

I finished cooking ramyeon and brought it to the bedroom. But once I've arrived to the room, I noticed Momo that had fallen asleep on the floor. She had opened her books and was doing homework. I laid the ramyeon aside and picked Momo up. I laid her on my bed, and covered her with my blanket. She really looked tired, so I decided to let her sleep on my bed while I decided to sleep on the floor.

"Goodnight Momo"

~To be continued~


How's the story so far? I personally feel like I'm not ready to start any dramatic shit rn.

Sorry if there are any typos and grammatical errors.

Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter.

Hope you hyungs liked it. Saranghaeyo^^

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