Chapter Nine

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Sam arrived at the operating room not much longer after the phone call with Dean. At the sight of the two bodies on the floor, Sam quickly shut the door behind him. He didn't recognize the bodies, but judging from the white coats they wore, they had to be Bates and Clyde. Sam looked around once more then spotted Dean across the room, fiddling with a camera on a tripod.

"Bates had notes about Darkiplier," Dean said as Sam walked over to stand beside him. "My guess is she was putting together something she'd show once Dark 'established his kingdom.' "

"I'd be more surprised if there's a demon that doesn't want to take over," Sam said. He and Dean crowded around the small display screen. "And if this is a waste of time?"

"Then just hope your angel friend can stall," Dean said then pressed play.

Dr. Laurie Bates pressed record then took a few steps back to be in frame. Dr. Clyde stood behind her, looking out of place as if he was starting to regret something. He had probably grown tired of Bates' fanatic nature toward Darkiplier.

"My name is Doctor Laurie Bates," she started. "Soon I will abandon that name as I have abandoned Korea. I will take on the mantle of queen and I will have my rightful place at his side."

"Laurie -" Clyde started but stopped when Bates sent him an icy glare. He shook his head then stepped off camera. She looked perturbed, but also relieved that he was no longer standing there.

She smiled as she looked back at the camera. "I was chosen," she went on. "My King of Darkness approached me weeks ago in a dream, giving me specific instructions. Instructions I followed to the best of my ability. He's been very pleased with my progress.

"We have finally found his vessel," Bates continued. "It's only a matter of time before Darkiplier rises and claims this realm as his own. I will be given the highest honor as thanks. I shall rule by his side, as his queen."

Dean shut off the video. "She was crazy," he said. "A demon got in and had his way with her."

"Why her? It still doesn't make sense," Sam said. He and Dean had been convinced that the fans of Markiplier had brought Darkiplier to life. As far as they knew, Bates had never heard of Mark before that dream she mentioned. So why hadn't Dark gotten the help of one of the fans? Why go to a complete stranger?

"What if Dark really did exist before all of this?" Dean asked after a short moment of silence. "Bates was just chosen because it was convenient for him. Almost killing Mark was the only way to get to him."

"Maybe," Sam said. He had to admit, that theory made the most sense. "You found out that Dark's been around since 2012." Dean nodded. "If he really did exist before now, what was he doing between then and now? He could have taken over a long time ago."

The look on Dean's face said that something had just occurred to him. "Mark now has around fifteen million subscribers on YouTube and growing fast," he said. "He takes over Mark's life, he has an army he can mold."

"The fans?"

"Get them all together in one place, Dark can take whatever the hell he wants," Dean said. "That control is what he wants right now."

Together, they left the operating room.


There was a moment of hesitation. Dark could see it in Felix's eyes. An angel with a conscience. Everyone was so intent on saving Mark that they wouldn't even touch Dark. He couldn't have gotten any luckier.

"Not very confident by yourself, are you?" Dark said when Felix remained standing there. "You pathetic, little angel. Too bad you didn't bring the Winchesters along." Dark had never met the hunters before they had shown up on Mark's doorstep, but he had heard of them and had recognized them easily. There weren't many demons who didn't know the two brothers.

"They'll be along soon," Felix said, not looking too sure about that himself. "If anything, I'll just stall you."

Dark spread his arms out from his sides. "Stall me from what?" he asked. "You don't even know what I'm going to do." He lowered his arms. "You didn't think to stop and ask. What if I'm doing this all for Mark's benefit? What if he wanted this?"

"He wouldn't," Felix said, raising the angel blade, but otherwise, he still hadn't moved.

"Are you sure about that?" Dark asked. "If only you had shown up earlier. You would have witnessed Mark letting me take over."

"You didn't give him a choice."

"I gave him every choice," Dark said. "I could have taken over the day he arrived at the hospital. I would have left if, deep down, he hadn't really wanted this." That wasn't a complete lie since Dark had been working on Mark all week to want this.

"What would make Mark want this?" Felix asked. "He wasn't unhappy. His life -"

"His life would have ended with nothing to show for it," Dark said. "This way, it can have meaning." He started forward toward Felix. "He'll be remembered."

"I won't let him be remembered as a sacrifice for you," Felix said. "You, on the other hand, won't be remembered at all." He hefted the angel blade then attacked.

Dark lifted his arm to block, the angel blade tearing his sleeve, leaving a shallow gash in his arm. The wound burned, but Dark fed on the pain. He lifted his other hand and they wrestled over control of the angel blade.

Felix kept a firm grip on the hilt, but had to let go when Dark was able to start turning the blade against him. Instead of going for the blade, Dark kicked it away, making the fight fair even though they both knew Dark wouldn't play by the rules.

As soon as the angel blade was kicked away, Felix backed off then went for the blade. Dark blocked his way every time he moved. Dark smiled, his adrenaline pumping with excitement. Felix was starting to look worried. Dark was surprised, and a little impressed, that the angel hadn't just turned and fled. His stalling would have succeeded if Dark had actually been in a hurry to get somewhere. Dark had all the time in the world, but playing cat and mouse was getting old fast.

So when Felix moved to get around Dark once more, Dark took the angel by surprise and hurled him against the wall hard enough to knock him out and probably break something.

Dark grabbed up the angel blade then stabbed it into the wall next to Felix's unconscious form. "Tell Heaven to send me an actual challenge next time," he said then left.

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