Chapter 15 ~ Present

Start from the beginning

"Ask for forgiveness, and just maybe He might forgive you." Harrison says. "I, on the other hand, won't."

That smile he puts off makes me feel like I could run around the world a billion times just to kill him. The hatred was unbearable, and I let out frustrated groan. My mother was dead, in front of my very eyes, and November has been blinded by him and tortured for too many years.

"Fuck. You." I say calmly, giving him a side smile at the end.

Boy did his rage turn on. Harrison slammed the pocket knife he had down into my thigh, and I screamed.

"You're a selfish bitch!" He pulled it out and stabbed me again, this time in my other leg.

I grit my teeth as beads of sweat start to form on my forehead. I couldn't show him I was weak, for everyone, for November.

"Why can't you be a good little girl and stop fighting?" He takes his pocket knife and points it at my face. "Is it because November is fueling you? Is that it? Cause I can fix that problem real fast."

I felt like I was crumbling in the chair at his words. "N-No, please." I gasp.

He lets out a menacing laugh that echoes around my ears. Harrison walks around me again and back in front of me, his face unreadable.

"Are you in love with him, girl?"

My heart beats rapidly in my chest, each thump telling me to answer truly. But I didn't know what was real anymore. Was I in love with November? It seemed unrealistic, but I couldn't say no for some reason. Pain bubbled in my legs and stomach, and my vision was fuzzy. I was losing blood.

Harrison's smile fades, and he slams his hands down on my arms. I wince. They were gripping them so hard I knew my arms would be bruised.

"Answer me, girl." He says, his teeth clenched.

I gaze directly into his eyes, the answer screaming to be let out. But I was afraid. I was afraid of what would happen if I told the truth that I had been hiding ever since I first was drawn into his piercing blue gaze. It scared me.

I inhale a sharp breath, keeping my eyes steady with his amber ones.



Harrison drags me back down the corridor, his grip hard. I thrash in his arms, forcing my legs to kick out even when they scream in pain. He drags me up to a familiar door, and I feel my heart leap. I didn't know if I was ready to see November again.

Harrison unlocks the door, shoving it open. He kicks me hard in the ribs, just above my wound and shoves me inside. I gasp in pain and crouch in a ball. He glares at me for a few seconds- almost a warning- before slamming the door shut and leaving me in silence.

Steady hands find my shoulders and I yelp, whipping around. November squats in front of me, his arms extended. I sigh, a sigh of relief and a sigh that I wasn't dying today.

"November," I say unsteadily. Tears form in my eyes, and I can't stop them from going.

I crash into his chest and sob, my shoulders wracking against him. November brings me closer, and I wrap my arms around his back for warmth.

"It's okay, now. You're okay." He soothes, rubbing my back.

But it wasn't okay. I was in love with someone I had been trapped with and I couldn't force myself to think otherwise.

"No," I breathe, calming my sobs. "No, it's not-" I stop short, digging my fingernails into his exposed back.

The pain was unbearable, physical and emotional. I hold my breath and pick up my head- staring right into his captivating icy blue eyes.

"November," I can barely hear my own voice, and place my hands in his shoulders. He stares at me with a confused expression, his arms tightening on my back.

This was it. It was now or never, to forget or to know.

"I love you." I whisper. "I-I know it's stupid and I shouldn't but-"

November hushes me with a tantalizing kiss. I run my hands up through his hair, locking him in place, afraid of breaking away. He is too, and desperate I get me closer even thought it's about impossible. I finally have to break away for air, my heart thrumming in my chest.

"Fuck," November sighs. "What are you doing to me?"

It was a different sensation than it was with Derek. We had been bubbly and almost cute, and I thought I was in love with him. Maybe I was, but I've never felt this way before about someone. It's like a yearning, a neglected feeling that needs to be filled with loving attention. Every touch sends sparks through my body and makes me feel at home. For some reason, I craved him.

I gently kissed him above his eye, and pull away. "I don't know." I say.

He presses his lips against mine and his hands ride up my shirt, exposing my stomach wound. Immediately after he's felt the scar, he jerks back- his eyes wide.

"You're still wounded, you need to rest." November says, pulling away.

I feel cold and shudder, hugging my arms to my chest. Right now I didn't even care what state I was in, I just wanted to be in his arms.

Before he can stand to pick me up, I grasp onto his wrist, keeping him in place. "Wait," I say. "I want to stay with you."

He gives me a faint smile and helps me up, letting me lean on his shoulder for support. My thighs burned and my stomach ached. As soon as I was in reach of his cot, I flopped on the side- suddenly extremely tired. November follows, curling in behind me. Warmth envelopes my body and I turn around to face him. His blue eyes are bright, and I have to catch my breath. He was beautiful. I rest my head in he crook of his neck and close my eyes. November hugs me in a tight embrace, my body flush with his.

I start to fall asleep soon after that, a gentle stirring reminding me I wasn't alone.

"I love you, too." A faint voice calls, warm and safe.

I'm too far into sleep to realize who it is, and drift away with no remembrance of the words that would keep me by his side forever.

A/N: wow, thank you guys soo much! I've boosted like 40 watchers in only 24 hours. I'm so happy ilysm guys! :,D <33

This story has about 6-8 more chapters until I think I'm done. Wow.

I've never really completed anything writing related so this is huge for me.

If you could vote, comment, and share I would love you forever. Thanks guys again, I wouldn't be writing this if it weren't for you. <3


Song of the chapter: Problem by Ariana Grande xD

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