Perfectly horrid

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Chorus: A million years have passed,

The pits of hell are gone,

Heavens gates were smashed,

And yet I do not move on,

Only one is my cure,

Living with a heart beating pure,

Together we shall soar,

And yet still I wait forevermore,

Love for the season autumn,

Stuck to another man,

To this pain I am not numb,

Live through this, I don't think I can,

Chorus ends: I don't believe in fate,

But I know we have one,

You were born to be my mate,

Though this isn't your belief,

Our one and only debate,

We met by random,

You know by a friend,

For this amazing day,

I desired no end,

Were never together,

Yet we were so close,

Wish we were forever,

But I am not the one you chose,

Chorus: A million years have passed,

The pits of hell are gone,

Heavens gates were smashed,

And yet I do not move on,

Only one is my cure,

Living with a heart beating pure,

Together we shall soar,

And yet still I wait forevermore,

Love for the season autumn,

Stuck to another man,

To this pain I am not numb,

Live through this, I don't think I can,

Chorus ends: You are the eighth wonder of the world,

To me,

The most amazing girl,

Meant to be,

If only you could see.

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