character sketch

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Neil khanna: a very successful business man... after finishing college he went straight to abroad and started his business there with a small help from his dad... but the business became only a success because of Neil and his staff hard work... loved Avni a lot but she broke up with him... first it was hard but slowly he started accepting the fact... for his family and friend he somewhere is still the same Neil like before... but his heart somewhere still loves avni

Prakash khanna : a well known business man. I would describe him just the way he is shown in the show

Bebe: same as the show

Shweta: a sweet mother... she and Bebe argue most of the time but she loves Bebe at the same time... loves her tillu to the core and is looking for a girl to get him married unaware that her son still hasn't been able to forget his first love as she only knew he had a gf but knew nothing about her as neil told he will tell her everything when they meet...Good friend of ragini pandit as they had met at a charity event

Neela: a sweet mother and caring Wife and daughter in law ... although she is the step mother of Avni and aman she has never made them feel that way...she had got married to ashish few month after Ayesha had passed away when aman was only 2month... friends with ragini pandit as they met at a common friends party

Ashish metha: a successful business man. He loves his family a lot... his first wife Ayesha had died in a car accident.. he never wanted to get married again but for his kids he did and now he doesn't regret that decision because somewhere he has accepted Neela... nope she hasn't take Ayesha place but has made another place in Ashish heart ...

Daywanti: head of the metha family... a very sweet and caring women. Loves her family

Nanno: nanno is completely modern person like daywanti... loves her grandchildren a lot... neela is just like Ayesha for her

Avni: a sweet girl... loves all her friend.. has been working in vidyut office for the past few years and makes all the important decision when he is not there . If she wanted she could have joined her dad business but didn't as She wanted to be independent and make a name for herself ... she joined vidyut business as a normal employee going through the same procedure everyone goes through while their interview and due to her hard work she got a place in vidyut company... she was in a relation with Neil which no one family knew about... things were going pretty well but she decided to end it with Neil... she had no choice but to move back to Mumbai due to a reason.. in contact with all her friend except Neil. She is very close to mishti

Riya : Avni cousin... currently running her own fashion business.. is in love with Ali and soon both will get married ...Loves her family a lot... Once coming back from Delhi she had asked Avni y she left college from there but Avni gave the same answer every time.

Ketan: loves his family a lot... he treats Avni and Riya equally... helping his brother Ashish in the business.

Hetal: loves her family a lot.. a loving house wife and daughter in law and neela is just like her sister

Diksha: owns a Beaty salon... happily married to hansmukh... doesn't have a kid but loves her nieces and nephew like her own... she won't regret saying the truth no matter how bad someone would feel

Hansmukh: loves diksha a lot.. he is really close to the metha family especially ashish since they r friends.... currently in abroad for a business deal

Aman: a cool boy currently studying in college... loves playing pranks on everyone

Vidyut: a successful business man... he is leading a very happy life with his wife daughter and mother and not
To forget all his friends... can go to any extent to protect his loved ones... when he is not around in the office Avni is in charge of the company. Vidyut didn't hire Avni just because she was his friend but because of her hard work and the way she answered all the question during her interview.

Juhi: wife of vidyut and mother of mishti: loves her family and friends a lot

Mishti: She is her dadi fav... mishti loves to get everyone's attention especially her family... she loves her angel a lot and is waiting for her angels superman to come.

Ali: owns chamko cafe. Loves riya

Dd: started his own detective agency which is successfully running... customers r satisfied and he would never provide the wrong information

Ragini pandit: a nice lady.. her husband passed away when vidyut was very small.. since then she was looking after their business and her son ... and now her son has handled the business even better than her and she is proud of him and somewhere she knows the credit also goes to Avni as she works with vidyut and gave good advices on what to do .. loves Juhi as her daughter and mishti is her jaan ..she got to know about  vidyut and Juhi friends when they would come over to their house and she knew Neil from before thanks to Shweta since they r friends... she became friend with neela recently since they met at a common friends party and also adores avni

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