Rebel laws

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I am alone,

Left to be me,

Try to avoid,

The misery,

The curtains close,

And i come out,

Behind closed doors,

What I'm about,

I then decide to,

Gaze at the mirror,

I cannot hide,

My intensions are clear,

Chorus: I'm done with all the lies,

I need to be me,

Because at least then,

I'll die free,

My fate has been decided,

With a rebel cause,

I soon write,


Chorus ends: Act number one,

We're born to have fun,

Act number two,

You hate... Well screw you,

Act number three,

End misery,

As my first law,

Hating...end it all,

Rise to never fall,

Together big or small,

Stand as one...proud and tall,

Comrads have fallen...Their bodies hauled,

No one is left behind,

*long pause

Scream out my passion,

Whisper my fears,

Reel them both in,

End up in tears,

*guitar solo

*deep talking

The time has come,

To start a war,

We're more powerful,

Than ever before,

Given thee command,

Though the battles we've sought,

This should be the last,

That is ever fought,

*guitar speeds up

We're done with all the lies,

I need to be me,

Because at least then,

We'll die free,

Our fates have been decided,

With a rebel cause,

We soon write,


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